While the current illegal migration crisis is disastrous, it is rather amusing to see sanctuary states and cities reap what they sow.
In particular dumpster fires like California, which has declined dramatically over the past several years.
Indeed, San Diego airport has apparently transformed into a temporary shelter for hordes of illegal migrants, who have rapidly overtaken other available housing in the city.
Of course, hordes of Americans continue to sleep on the streets, especially in California.
Illegals, however, can apparently commandeer entire airports with impunity.
Apparently, the presence is so significant that the airport itself just released an official statement on social media.
“Since late last year, San Diego International Airport has experienced a significant increase in the number of migrants using the airport to proceed to their next destination. We have and will continue to coordinate with migrant-serving volunteer groups and nonprofit organizations as they help their clients navigate the airport,” San Diego airport declared.
Only in woke California are illegals referred to “clients.” Pitiful.
And, of course, the woke leaders of the woke organizations, Al Otro Lado, are taking on the illegals as “clients” is whining about the fact that migrants are apparently not given 5-star accommodation while they illegally entre the nation.
“There are migrants sleeping on the floor at the airport and that already generates a stigma that does not help in any way to a good reception or a good integration of them into that society,” organizational representative Soraya Vázquez whined.
Yeah. Because Americans’ biggest issue should focus on “integrating” individuals who, at best, illegally entered the border, and, at worst, are literal terrorists of the Hamas sympathizing variety.
Which means that they would fit right in on college campuses.
Humorously, the ultra-left is apparently amazed by the steady influx of illegals, apparently not realizing that enterprising freeloaders will surely exploit the system, and its taxpayers, to the maximum degree.
One woke social justice warrior “not totally sure why” the migrant population has exploded, illustrating an astounding degree of ignorance.
However, perhaps the de facto sanctuary city mayors are the most ignorant of all.
As they are actually blaming Republicans for the crisis.
Indeed, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson ranted and raved over the “right-wing extremism” that has apparently led to illegal migration.
“It has to be better coordination. What we have seen is a raggedy form instituted by right-wing extremism,” Chicago City Mayor “Brandon” raged.
Actually, what the entire nation has seen is a total disregard of national security, as evidenced by the White House’s abandonment of the border.
“Everyone knows that the right-wing extremism in this country has targeted Democratically-ran cities, and quite frankly, they’ve been very intentional about going after Democratically-ran cities that are led by people of color,” “Brandon” continued.
Spare us all, “Brandon.”
Maybe terminate so-called “sanctuary” status and see how quickly Chicago comes under control.
As much control as all the thugs that predominate the urban metropolis allow, anyway.
Either that, or the thugs and illegals will go at it, making the city even more dangerous … while Dems reside in their heavily secured, taxpayer-funded fortresses.
Author: Ofelia Thornton