The horrific terrorist attack in Israel have revealed quite a few uncomfortable truths about the state of hate in America.
After all, multiple students, professors, administrators, and Congressional representatives have effectively proclaimed their avowed support for Hamas, despite the terrorist group’s desire to destroy America.
Not to mention multiple leftists who have exhibited extreme violence from coast to coast.
Case in point: Unabashedly pro-Israel actress Gal Gadot, who starred in “Wonder Woman,” recently screened the footage of Hamas’s horrific attack, given woke leftists’ continued denial of reality. Despite the fact that the film was screened at the ironically named “Museum of Tolerance” in Los Angeles, a violent brawl broke out regardless, engineered by virulent pro-Palestine protestors.
Given that Los Angeles is a massive sanctuary city, it is unclear if the protestors are even American citizens.
Especially when recent reports have revealed that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) itself has been frighteningly complicit in employing pro-terrorist employees, at least one of which was directly in charge of admitting individuals to the United States.
Even more troublingly, the expressions of extremist tendencies and unapologetic, antisemitic hatred emanating from DHS employees were hardly hidden; on the contrary, they’ve been posted all over social media for years.
One especially virulent example of said DHS employees includes DHS officer Nejwa Ali, who was only put on leave after conservative media outlets exposed her very public hatred, coupled with direct encouragement of mass genocide.
Far from an entitled college brat, this deranged individual actually has the power, not to mention the access, to cause serious havoc to national security.
Apparently, Ali’s series of hateful posts were apparently just fine with the hiring authorities at DHS.
“F*** Israel … we are ready for your downfall,” Ali declared in one social media post, making it beyond clear she is quite thrilled by Hamas’s terrorist attack.
In other posts, Ali ranted and raved about “Israeli and American privilege,” which is rather ironic for someone who obviously manipulated her way not only into the United States, but also into a powerful federal position.
When Ali was contacted by The Daily Wire with regards to her rather public, antisemitic hatred, her response was hardly indicative of a balanced, rational person.
“That’s none of your f****** business … Mind your business before I call the police. If I were you, I’d respectfully hang up the phone right now,” Ali raged.
It’s quite terrifying that Ali had the power to decide who can come in the United States, especially given her call for the “downfall” of Israel.
Apparently, Ms. Ali joined United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) in 2019 before moving on to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Thus, she succeeded in gaining employment at both agencies, in spite of her direct association with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
Unsurprisingly, the PLO, a group previously led by Yasser Arafat, has been labeled as a terrorist organization by the United States.
Only natural that the same incompetent, utterly corrupt swamp would actually hire representatives of the terrorist organization, giving them an insane amount of power relative to their hatred.
The same swamp that mailed visas to the 9/11 terrorists multiple months after the attacks, and the same swamp that allows millions of illegals to swarm all over the nation.
Currently, the feckless federal agencies, of course, are lamely attempting to defend themselves, despite clearly employing Ali for years, while she continuously disseminated online hate.
Just consider the sniveling commentary from USCIS spokesperson Matthew Bourke, perhaps one of the more useless examples of governmental CYA to date.
“USCIS strongly condemns antisemitism and the use of violent rhetoric in any form … USCIS employees are held to high ethical standards both on and off duty, including their presence on social media. Any violation of these standards is taken seriously by the agency.”
Right. Apparently, violations are not taken so “seriously,” given that Ali got away with her very public, pro-terrorist position for years.
During her time at USCIS, Ms. Ali was responsible for assisting “asylum seekers” through the immigration process.
Who wants to bet more than one “asylum seeker” approved by Ms. Ali will show up in the news for launching a major terrorist attack on American soil?
Author: Ofelia Thornton