It may be hard to believe, but apparently some media outlets are even more woke than CNN and MSNBC.
CNN recently raised eyebrows by inviting the ultra-privileged Queen of Jordan on air, where she proceeded to bash the Israeli response to the mass terrorist attack on its own soil.
Not so coincidentally, despite all the Queen’s bleating about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Middle Eastern nation of Jordan has announced that it will not be taking in any refugees from Gaza.
Wonder why … considering the damage caused by “refugees” across Europe in varied mass terrorist attacks.
However, the BBC in the United Kingdom is apparently determined to out-woke CNN.
Chiefly by having a terrorist ringleader interviewed on primetime television.
Shockingly, Ghazi Hamad, who serves in the demented role of deputy foreign minister for Hamas in Gaza, was actually granted a BBC interview, despite the atrocities his murderous, anti-American group just committed.
Imagine Osama bin Laden being granted such a storied interview a few weeks after the 9/11/01 attacks … and now realize just how far the woke West has fallen in a couple of decades’ time.
Thanks for that “change,” Emperor Obama.
BBC’s Middle East correspondent Hugo Bachega attempted to hold a real interview with the terrorist, apparently not realizing that terrorists do not exactly entertain Western norms nor Western niceties.
When Bachega pressed Hamad about why Hamas opened fire at a preschool, it’s safe to say that the terrorist had an utterly absurd excuse.
“Because the area was very wide … [there] were clashes and confrontations,” Hamad drawled.
Clashes and confrontations with 4-year-olds? Really? That’s new. And despicable.
Amazingly, for a network that claims to be so concerned about disinformation, the BBC sure did let Hamad spill all kinds of disinformation on air.
“I can tell you we didn’t have any intention or decision to kill the civilians,” Hamad openly lied.
Oh, please, spare us all!
Exactly what else would Hamad call murdering innocent civilians, including infants, in their sleep?
Bachega actually dared to go there, asking Hamad specifically about murdering civilians in their sleep, and it’s safe to say that Hamad’s response was hardly inspirational.
Though it did put the BBC in its place.
“I want to stop this interview,” Hamad snarled, and refused to discuss Hamas’s despicable antics any further.
Well done, BBC. Way to empower a total terrorist, and then have that terrorist show obvious disgust against the network.
Since when does Western media serve as the lapdog for terrorist interests?
One survivor, Haim Jelin, detailed precisely how the Hamas terrorists reigned havoc across multiple individuals in Israel.
“They shot indiscriminately, abducted whoever they could, burned down people’s homes so they’d have to escape through the window, where the terrorists would wait,” Jelin recalled bleakly.
Absolutely horrible. And even more horrible that Western media is apparently kowtowing to terrorists these days.
At least more than one individual online recognized the despicable gaslighting for what it was.
“It’s straight out of Putin’s playbook: deny with a straight face that what everyone else could see with their own eyes actually happened. World-class gaslighting,” one individual remarked in disgust.
And, speaking of world class gaslighting, just consider the BBC’s pathetic excuse for calling Hamas “freedom fighters,” rather than terrorists, for weeks.
“Terrorism is a loaded word, which people use about an outfit they disapprove of morally. It’s simply not the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn – who are the good guys and who are the bad guys,” the BBC sniffed.
Oh, really? Then why did the media have zero issue referring to Al Qaeda as terrorists about two decades ago? Or is the woke movement now so “inclusive” that it accepts mass violence against innocent civilians?
Moreover, does one really need to think too hard about who the “bad guys” are when it comes to innocent children being murdered in their sleep?
Apparently, someone with pull put the BBC in line, as the network now grudgingly refers to Hamas as a “proscribed terrorist organization.”
It’s pathetic the network can’t call a terrorist group for what it really is out of fear of being “offensive” … especially when that same network probably has zero qualms about calling Trump supporters terrorists.
Author: Ofelia Thornton