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White House Whistleblower Suffers Mysterious Disappearance

Looks like the Bidens just might be following the Clintons’ ill-begotten footsteps.

After all, a number of people deeply associated with the Clintons and their affairs have ended up missing or worse, which is unsurprising considering that they are amongst the original arbiters of the modern-day swamp.

Now, key witnesses against the Biden cadre appear to be missing as well.

As detailed by the Daily Mail, Tim Burchett, a Tennessee Republican Congressman, reported that varied GOP officials have been unable to “track down” a key witness regarding the Bidens’ shady dealings.

Burchett blasted both the DOJ and FBI for “[turning] a blind eye” to an informant who has abruptly gone missing, a disturbing development to say the least.

“It’s of the utmost importance that the FBI work with us to be able to try to identify what research they’ve done, what investigations they’ve done, because we have people that want to come forward, but honestly, they fear for their lives,” Burchett remarked to Fox News.

Indeed it is.

Between openly lying about Trump for years and apparently turning a blind eye to missing witnesses, the FBI has certainly descended to a level more appropriate for a corrupt banana republic.

Not only is the FBI packed with liars, but also the president himself, which was detailed other Republicans.

Ohio Congressman Mark Turner, who serves as Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, noted that Biden absolutely knew he was deceiving the American people when he claimed that his son was supposedly innocent of varied accusations.

In spite of photographic evidence from Hunter’s own computers.

“Joe Biden knew that he was lying to the American public, and he used these 51, who had past credentials in intelligence, to claim that something was Russian misinformation,” Turner declared.

The “51” refers to the 51 intelligence officers who signed off on the lie that Hunter’s laptops were Russian disinformation, despite the fact that the hardware absolutely belonged to the president’s son.

Unfortunately, a significant swathe of the gullible public bought the lies and voted for Biden anyway, much to the peril of the entire planet.

And, surprise, surprise, the FBI is equally complacent in covering up for the Bidens.

“The FBI is – should be looking at these as evidences of a crime. But, in fact, that appears the FBI is being less than helpful, if not obscuring the congressional – obstructing the congressional investigation,” Turner declared.

If Trump were accused of the same things Biden is currently accused of, he would have already been impeached 100 times.

One can only hope that Biden is disempowered as soon as possible, especially in terms of national security, which is one of the most endangered under his “watch.”

Author: Jane Jones

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