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Obama Delivers An Astoundingly Out of Touch Lecture

Former President Barack Obama, the embodiment of the woke’s choice, may be known for many things, but self-awareness isn’t one of them.

After all, Obama has overseen (and caused) the greatest racial division in the nation’s modern history, especially when openly siding with violent criminals over police.

He also humiliated the United States during his so-called “apology tour” around the world, a humiliation that undoubtedly empowered Russian President Vladimir Putin and other authoritarians to begin carving up territories from times past.

Indeed, the annexation of Crimea occurred during clueless Obama’s regime, underscoring the extent to which world leaders laughed not only behind America’s back, but right to Obama’s face.

Alas, Obama was far too concerned about political correctness and curating his own image to pay much attention to geopolitical affairs.

It was also during Obama’s regime that wannabe Emperor Fauci outsourced gain of function research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, with taxpayer funds no less, and everyone knows how that turned out.

Now, the former wannabe emperor, who has long bragged that the Biden regime is effectively a third Obama term, has the actual gall to lecture Americans about “widespread disinformation,” the same type of disinformation that elects him and absurd characters like Biden in the first place.

Rather rich, coming from one of the most anti-liberty presidents in recent memory.

During a recent speech, the rapidly aging Obama lectured the world about the importance of press freedom.

Of course, his speech was prefaced by a statement from the Obama Foundation, a blatant ripoff of the Clinton Foundation.

“his World Press Freedom Day, take a look at @BarackObama’s remarks at the @ColumbiaJourn Faultlines: Democracy conference, and why the free press is vital for democracy to survive and thrive,” the Obama Foundation intoned.

… Provided the free press is pro-trans and wholly anti-conservative, that is.

Seems these “foundations” are quite lucrative for otherwise incompetent politicians.

Obama himself, who has never had the class to shut up, also had the gall to tweet about how much he supports press freedom, which everyone knows is a complete and total lie.

“Journalists have always been on the front lines of the struggle for democracy. That’s why we need to keep standing up for the rights of journalists around the world. Grateful that we have @ColumbiaJourn and people like Jelani Cobb taking on this important work,” Obama boomed.

That’s rich.

After all, this is the same president that openly threatened whistleblower Edward Snowden for revealing the extent of Obama’s mass surveillance not only of Americans, but also of multiple world leaders.

This is the same president who also tried to bury the Snowden story in the press, though Snowden wisely elected to recount his experiences to The Guardian, which stood its ground against an increasingly enraged Obama administration.

Not that any of that is evident in Obama’s blissful absence of self-awarness in his stomach-churning speech.

“I plan to keep shining a light on the biggest challenges that democracy faces, that includes revitalizing our political institutions, coming up with more inclusive and sustainable models of capitalism, creating a stronger democratic culture. But it also means creating an information environment that reinforces rather than erodes our democracy, one in which truth matters, one in which we are able to distinguish between fact and opinion,” Obama boomed.

By “revitalizing,” he means “destroying” and likely remaking in honor of communist China, who he also threw multiple bones to during his presidency, including American taxpayer funds for crafting biological weapons to later be used as justification for eliminating people’s rights.

By all means, Mr. former (current?) president, please prattle on about your alleged support of the free press, provided such press provides nothing but exemplary coverage of your utterly horrific, anti-American, anti-conservative, anti-family policies.

And throw yourself another mask-less 60th birthday party, complete with widespread marijuana abuse, in the midst of a pandemic.

What a class act … Though at least his appearance is finally starting to align with his internal nature.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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