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Woke State Supports Deliberate Degradation Of Public Space

Looks like Democrats aren’t interested in bringing back basic public safety measures anytime soon, especially in deeply disturbed states like Oregon.

Perhaps especially in deeply disturbed states like Oregon, in particular Portland, which has been long since besieged by druggies and Antifa wannabe mobsters.

Passing a series of laws that effectively advocate open drug use doesn’t help.

After all, Oregon has boasted about leading the nation in terms of its apparent embrace of drug abuse, decriminalizing multiple hard drugs and throwing out every handout possible to local residents, as if the state were in a bizarre competition with California.

On top of that, the woke governor of Oregon decided to “empower” minority communities by passing legislation that mandates high school graduation for all, even if the said graduates are literally illiterate and unable to do basic math.

These would be the same graduates demanding “reparations,” of course.

Now, in yet another move designed to encourage the few decent (if any) residents left of Portland out, the state has apparently decided it’s a great idea to empower “homeless” druggies even further, chiefly by allowing them to have their own “privacy” in government-funded spaces, courtesy of Oregon House Bill 3501.

This act, bizarrely entitled “The Right to Rest” act, effectively proclaims that homeless, even the deliberately homeless, can do whatever they want.

Per this bill, all such individuals are guaranteed “a privacy interest and a reasonable expectation of privacy in any property belonging to the person, regardless of whether the property is located in a public space.”

So, in other words, if a druggie wants to set up camp in a public park, national park, or elsewhere, it appears that they just might be able to do so, with the full support of warped Democrat laws.

Astonishingly, the bill actually contains the following language, in that “persons experiencing homelessness” apparently have the right to “move freely in public spaces without discrimination and time limitations that are based on housing status,” as well as “be permitted to use public spaces in the same manner as any other person without discrimination based on their housing status.”

Right. Except in previous times, “any other person” is less likely to open shoot up drugs and turn sidewalks into toilets, but apparently, all should have the “right” to do so, per Oregon lawmakers, all of whom likely live in gated communities while living off the hard work of taxpayers.

Meanwhile, universities in Oregon chase away conservative speakers with effective pitchforks, as the “Right to Conservative Beliefs” is apparently never tolerated.

Hilariously, the state noted that it would not permit the homeless to congregate inside private businesses that are on so-called government funded space.

Wow, thanks!

… As if a huge number of businesses haven’t been driven out of blue cities, from Seattle to San Francisco and beyond, due to zero-bail polices and the grand push to convert all felonies into misdemeanors.

Regardless, it’s hard to say which business, aside from some drug cartel or Soros-funded Antifa mob, would have any interest in operating in a state that shows zero qualms about not only permitting, but encouraging drug proliferation to thrive, all while the taxpayers bear the greatest brunt of such a tragedy.

In the meantime, states such as Florida continue to absorb the previous tax base of blue states due to the massive tax refugee exodus.

Ironically, tax revenues in Florida will be further invested in infrastructure, law enforcement, and other actual public services, leaving Dems no other option that to attempt to raid the Federal Reserve for more funds for their ridiculous schemes.

Oh, wait, they’ve already done that … at hyper-speed, ever since Obama’s deliberate destruction of the nation he clearly hates and has long exploited for all its worth, playing the victim card from start to his seemingly endless finish through the Biden regime.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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