If you thought the likes of so-called progressives like AOC are bad, just wait until you get a load of the absolute nonsense spewing out of Chicago at the moment.
In case you missed it, Chicago was besieged by violent, jobless, and likely school-less teenagers who thought it would be a great idea to beat up random people, set cars on fire, and cause mayhem and destruction.
In case that sounds like an exaggeration, it sadly isn’t.
As unbelievable as the deliberate arson, along with other violent behavior, was, what is perhaps even more unbelievable include varied state Democrats’ condoning of the violence.
As in, not just turning a blind eye, but in straight up condoning and excusing organized violence.
As proudly proclaimed by Illinois state senator Robert Peters, who is clearly eager to fill the state with career criminals.
If only they could devise a way to tax career criminals of their ill-begotten gains … or they could actually prosecute for stealing, as more tax revenues are raised from purchased goods than stolen goods.
Meh, Illinois could incur a $10T surplus and probably blow through it all in under a year, especially with “reparations” allegedly underway in California, another land increasingly lost to criminals.
“Since I’m a glutton for punishment and I’m sure I’m gonna get the most unhinged, crime weirdo replies but: I would look at the behavior of young people as a political act and statement. It’s a mass protest against poverty and segregation. Rest in peace to my mentions,” Peters boomed.
Oh, right. Setting expensive cars on fire and violently attacking tourists is a real effective way to have “a mass protest” about segregation and poverty.
First, in terms of segregation, spare us all … it was former Mayor Lightfoot, after all, who declared she would not interview with anyone but someone else of “color.”
Now that is “segregation,” though who would want to interview such a hateful politician anyway?
As far as poverty is concerned, by typical Democrat standards, personal life choices that directly influence one’s socioeconomic standing apparently are irrelevant.
No matter how many crimes a criminal commits, Dems somehow turn it all around on people who actually work for a living.
If Peters’ commentary is unbelievable, it is sadly not unusual, as the latest, unimproved Mayor of Chicago, who is hilariously named “Brandon” Johnson, actually blamed corporate tax rates for the violent mobs.
“70 percent of large corporations in the state of Illinois don’t pay a corporate tax,” “It’s that type of restraint on our budget that has caused the type of disinvestment that has led to poverty, of course that has led to violence,” “Brandon” boomed.
Oh please. The same corporations robbed nonstop by increasingly empowered criminals, leading even Walmart to shutter several doors in Chicago.
Predictably, Walmart has been blasted for daring to protect itself from rampant thievery and nonexistent law enforcement.
Truly, though, between one Democrat claiming a “mass protest” against segregation (segregation demanded by the former leftie mayor, no less), coupled with the current mayor’s asinine commentary on corporate tax rates … little wonder Chicago continues to plummet in terms of basic livability, with affordability sailing off into the sunset long ago.
As if the violent criminals have a clue about corporate tax, assuming they even know what a tax is.
After all, people who steal all the time don’t exactly pay tax. Heck, they don’t even have to pay bail anymore.
Clearly, such approaches aren’t working very effectively. But perhaps that is the real point.
Little wonder Mr. Peters was pummeled by Twitter users vastly more adept than him.
“So you think it’s ok for teens to illegally possess firearms and shoot other teens all in the name of protest?” one commenter demanded.
Apparently so, though the same politician will no doubt rage against Republicans (and their push for legal, not illegal, gun ownership).
“There is no justification for people to do this! During the Great Depression 1929-1939 nobody rioted or destroyed a city because they were poor! Stop playing the victim/race card and do something about it!!” another commenter added.
And, to use an even more extreme example, the United States nuked Japan not once, but twice, and placed countless Japanese in internment camps, all of which occurred nearly a century after slavery ended.
Guess how many Japanese groups are clamoring for so-called “reparations?”
Oh, that’s right – Japan became one of the most powerful economies on the planet by merely moving forward and actually working. Not to mention a top ally of the United States.
Meanwhile in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and too many other cities to count … resident populations are doing anything but moving forward.
That requires too much work and effort.
Author: Ofelia Thornton