Former President Barack Obama is perhaps one of the most absurdly arrogant elitists of all time.
Not to mention one of the biggest spenders, considering the $22M+ he splashed out on a summer home in Martha’s Vineyard (an almost entirely white community) alongside a host of other real estate treasures, none of which are anywhere near the communities he claims to represent.
Now, the former president has taken his elitism a step further and has aimed to destroy the very communities who supported him in the first place, chiefly through displacement.
That’s right: the ghastly Obama Presidential Center is now widely correlated with making the cost of living unaffordable in Chicago, much to the dismay of varied communities that blindly supported him.
The media clearly took full advantage of said communities’ ignorance, unfortuantely.
Even Brandon Johnson, one of the contenders for the mayorship of Chicago, underscored the adverse impact that Obama’s self-dedicated palace is having upon the black community.
“We have to make sure, for families that live in the very communities where economic development is taking place, that landlords don’t see it as an opportunity to push the families out who have been a part of these communities for decades,” Johnson mused.
Yeah. Like Obama cared (at all) while creating an effective palace in his honor, based upon a legacy of seling the nation out to the highest bidder.
Aided and abetted by his former vice president and current president of the United States.
Needless to say, Obama’s supporters are totally in shock, and clearly still brainwashed.
In remarks to the Washington Post, Dixon Romeo, a resident of South Shore, Chicago, fretted over potential harm to Obama’s reputation, declaring that residents do not wish for “Obama’s legacy marred by the displacement of thousands of Black families.”
“This is the community that sent him to the White House, and we should be the community that gets to stay and benefit from the presidential center,” Romeo added earnestly.
With respect, Mr. Romeo, exactly when does Obama ever interface with the communities he claims to care about?
After all, much of his post-presidential life has been spent hobnobbing with wealthy, elitist whites and delivering massively overpaid speeches to the likes of Goldman Sachs.
The fact that his so-called “legacy” apparently persists is in and of itself absurd, and all the more evidence of dangerous media gaslighting.
And more than one resident is receiving the painful brunt of Obama’s arrogance.
“The Obama Center is not being built for Chicago … It’s being built for the world … [And the world] don’t want us here. So, what do you think is going to happen?” one resident wondered.
Well, displacement is what happens, unfortunately.
One Chicago resident declared that she can no longer afford to live where she has been since birth.Tahiti Hamer, a 42-year-old mother of three, noted that her cost of living has become impossible, courtesy of Obama’s arrogance.
“I’m a working mother who can’t afford to live in my own community that I’ve lived in for 42 years,” revealing that her rent increased by 40 percent at the same time the Obama Presidential Library was announced.
Even more amazingly, Obama CBA Coalition organizer Ebonee Green warned about displacement as far back as 2020, though the media was too obsessed with “beating Trump” then.
“When we talk about violence against black people – and I’m a black person – it’s not just police violence … It’s the violence of displacement. It’s the violence of moving people wholesale and acting as if we do not matter when things come into the community, where we do not have voice, and that we are just replaceable,” Green bemoaned.
Thanks, Obama, for the “violence of displacement” against the black community.
Little wonder that more blacks voted for Trump than any other GOP in recent memory, though significant inroads remain, especially amid mass Democrat gaslighting.
Author: Ofelia Thornton
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