Another day, another warlike Warren rampage.
This time, she’s set her sights on none other than Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, who she apparently prefers to blame for economic catastrophe over bungling Biden.
“We’ve got the Fed right at the center of the two biggest economic problems in this country,” Warren declared.
As the Biden family is also at the center of two of the biggest threats to global security, thanks to the “Big Guy” and varied shenanigans with Ukraine, Russia, and China.
As far as the Federal Reserve is concerned, Emperor Obama is the one who began printing money with abandon and bailing out big bank after big bank, which landed him $400,000+ speaking gigs immediately after leaving the presidency.
Talk about open corruption. Seems Biden is following right along the same path in the foreign sphere.
But, by all means, Ms. Warren, continue to blame Powell for the current state of economic duress in which the nation currently finds itself.
“The first is that [Powell] has raised interest rates at an extreme level unlike anything we’ve ever seen in modern times, and it has certainly created problems throughout the banking system,” Warren raged.
Of course, Warren leaves out the fact that the Obama administration began to print money “at an extreme level unlike anything” ever seen before, which originated many of the economic extremes witness in the economy today.
“And then secondly, we have a banking system that we’ve lost multiple banks now. And why? Because the Fed under Chair Powell has failed to supervise and regulate those banks as they are required to do,” Warren whined.
Well, with respect, if Biden bails out woke banks, exactly how else are woke banks expected to behave?
Hint: Just look at the outright thievery that has come to dominate the BLM organization, with nary an honest accountant in sight.
On his part, Powell fruitlessly tried to defend himself against warring Warren, giving her a rather obvious lesson in Macroeconomics 101.
“Inflation is extremely high, and it’s hurting the working people in this country badly. All of them – not just 2 million of them – but all of them are suffering under high inflation, and we are taking the only measures we have to bring inflation down,” Powell exclaimed.
Alas, Powell forgets that much of the Democrat base can hardly be characterized as “working people,” unless professional protesting is considered a primary occupation.
From a Democrat standpoint, long-term career criminals may also be considered “working people” as well, though something suggests they weren’t the professionals Powell had in mind.
Author: Ofelia Thornton