Kudos to Fox News Digital!
In a day and age where mainstream media operates in a nearly-fictional realm, more than one investigative journalist has managed to make an impact through their original research.
At times, the impact is so obvious that even Emperor Biden’s most cherished Cabinet members fall under scrutiny, and perhaps one of the most cherished of all is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who enjoys an esteemed position almost entirely due to his sexual identity.
In other words, as much of Buttigieg’s former presidential campaign centered around his “progressive” marriage to his husband, he was effectively put into Biden’s cabinet for the same reason Kamala was made his Vice President – everything to do with tribalist identity, rather than actual capability.
The “progressive” couple’s children, which provided them with the excuse to take two taxpayer-funded months off of work, were a nice touch, especially as Buttigieg was decidedly unavailable as one transportation crisis after another reared its ugly head.
While absence has been a near-constant of Buttigieg’s tenure, perhaps the most egregious absence, not to mention indifference, of all includes his continued dismissal of the desperate needs of Ohio residents.
Who he couldn’t be bothered with until social media finally did something useful for a change: Call out Buttigieg’s absence.
Now, in light of a recent report from Fox News Digital, Buttigieg’s lame excuses for not going to Ohio are even lamer, considering that he apparently has zero issue with rather brazen use of taxpayer-funded private jets.
Yep, that’s right – Mr. Green New Deal, who rode a bicycle for all of 30 seconds in a failed (and fake) publicity stunt apparently just can’t turn down all those “free” private jets.
No wonder Democrats are constantly demanding higher taxes … for their personal transportation.
Alas, it seems that Buttigieg should not have been constantly spouted off about the carbon emissions that result from American Fords, especially when he has zero qualms about exploiting American taxpayers to live the literally high (and remarkably expensive) life.
In the ultimate egg-on-the-face moment, the Department of Transportation (DOT), which Buttigieg allegedly represents, has now launched an investigation into Buttigieg’s brazen exploitation of taxpayer funds, which sits all the more poorly after Buttigieg basically demanded that Americans ride bicycles to work.
Of course, the DOT isn’t very happy about Fox News Digital calling out its own emperor, and it issued a terse statement whining about the “outlandish” claims surrounding Buttigieg’s reportedly repeated usage of private jets, which has now garnered international attention … and mockery.
Astonishingly, Buttigieg had the gall to claim, without evidence, that private jets are “cheaper” than commercial travel, an absurd claim in and of itself … not to mention utterly hypocritical, as Americans also continue to drive “cheaper” gas-powered cars.
However, Buttigieg apparently expects everyone to shell out $60,000+ for an electric vehicle while he elects for “cheaper” (and vastly more polluting) private jets.
He’s become quite the little global elitist, hasn’t he? As all of them prefer private jets over intermingling with “the little people,” even though it would be far more “equitable” to fly commercial, even in first class, that to take utterly separate vehicles from everyone else.
And Trump is the “bad guy?” What a joke … at least his jets are personally funded.
And used to go directly to the people of Ohio, with thousands of bottles of water to boot.
BIG difference.
Thus, Buttigieg has now rightfully incurred unfavorable attention due to his inability to resist “the good life” as an unaccountable Biden official.
Which sits especially poorly with residents of Ohio.
According to Caitlin Sutherland, who serves as the executive director of the watchdog group Americans for Public trust (APT), the focus on the “excessive” private jet use by Buttigieg is a welcome development.
“After Americans for Public Trust helped determine Secretary Buttigieg’s excessive use of taxpayer-funded government jets, we are pleased to see that his air travel is now under investigation,” Sutherland declared.
Seriously. Americans are quite pleased as well, especially as Buttigieg literally guilts them over gas stoves while enjoying chef-curated meals on private jets, multiple times per year.
“Everyday Americans have faced unprecedented flight cancelations and disruptions, but Buttigieg has continued to fly private, even on a Coast Guard plane and even when commercial options were readily available,” Sutherland added.
Well, even though commercial options offer quite lavish amenities in business class cabins, apparently Mr. Buttigieg can’t be bothered interfacing with the Americans he allegedly represents.
Basic PR would suggest he at least elect business class in commercial cabins, as many actual businesspeople do (i.e., people who contribute to the economy, rather than destroy it) … but that would be too “common” for a member of the wannabe communist elite class.
Emphasis on “wannabe,” as Democrats have yet to remake the current government into a carbon copy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), though Xiden is clearly chomping at the bit do so.
If the “Big Guy” can remember his backdoor business dealings, that is, the real source of his ostensibly extensive foreign policy experience.
Author: Ofelia Thornton