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Public Schools Shamelessly Promote Mass Illiteracy

In case you were wondering when public schools find the time to teach the basics, namely reading and math, in between classes centered on transgenderism and critical race theory, wonder no more.

As reported by WirePoints, some of the largest public school systems in the nation have a rather dire track record when it comes to teaching the basics.

In fairness, given today’s woke cohort of Marxist indoctrinators masquerading as “teachers,” perhaps not even the educators and administrators themselves can do basic reading or math anymore.

One thing is for sure: They clearly can’t teach it.

Just consider the rather horrifying findings WirePoints revealed in its report.

“Spry is one of 30 schools in Illinois where not a single student can read at grade level. Twenty-two of those schools are part of the Chicago Public Schools and the other eight are outside Chicago … The failure list in math is even longer. There are 53 schools statewide where not one kid is proficient in math,” the report noted.

Wow. 53 schools, multiple thousands of students, and not a single one can do math?

That might make computing so-called reparations difficult.

“The absolute failure to teach even a single child to read and do math in so many schools is yet another indictment of the state’s educational system,” the WirePoints report notes.

Indeed it is. Especially if children can identify 59 genders yet be unable to actually count to 59.

“This column focuses on schools where zero percent of kids are able to read or do math. But we could have just as easily looked at the 622 schools where only 1 out of 10 kids or less can read at grade level. That’s a whopping 18 percent of the state’s 3,547 schools that tested students in 2022,” the report continues.

So, in other words, the 53 schools in which children can do math and the 30 schools in which children cannot even read are hardly outliers, though even one taxpayer-funded “school” producing such horrifying statistics should be totally and completely inexcusable.

Especially when contrasting these students’ “performance” with that of the Chinese and Russian pupils abroad.

What’s even more absurd is that endless funds are poured into the already over-bloated public school system, yet, just like the endless billions poured into Ukraine, hardly any favorable outcomes of note have emerged.

As neatly summarized by The Daily Wire, “one school referenced by Wirepoints is Spry Community Links High School, located in Chicago, where none of the 88 students are proficient in either math or reading despite the school spending more than $35,000 per student each year. Another Chicago school, Douglas Academy High School, spends over $56,000 per student yearly, but none of its 44 students can read or perform math at a proficient level.”

So, the spending per student per year dwarfs average private school tuition, yet the students routinely perform far more poorly on tests?

Well, actually, they may not even take tests anymore, given that they apparently are unable to read.

And, lest individuals believe (or hope) that the phenomenon is restricted to the ghastly city of Chicago, whose mayor is perhaps one of the most openly divisive in the nation, pretty much every Democrat-“led” city reports egregious deficiencies in public education.

Such as Baltimore.

As reported by the Daily Mail, “twenty-three schools in Baltimore are failing their students, according to a new analysis – with not one student at the institutions reaching the required level in math … the CEO of Baltimore Public Schools, Sonja Santelises, was earning a base salary of $333,125 – which rose to $444,875 with allowances – yet students were still failing.”

That’s nice. A public school “CEO” (since when did that term emerge?) receives a massive bonus based on absolutely no performance whatsoever.

Seriously, while public schools have always been bad, the absence of literacy amongst multiple thousands of students is really bad.

Seems a defunded police force achieves more than an overly funded school district.

Or, perhaps, the public school “CEOs” received a massive raise for precisely that purpose … in that they outperformed in ensuring that all the pupils under their tenure will remain ignorant Democrats for life.

One of the top-rated comments in the Daily Mail story said it best:

“Democrat run cities and illiteracy run hand in hand, especially when it comes to minorities. Considering the consistency, its almost as if its part of plan, keep them poor and ignorant, and they will vote blue for life; add the single mother factor and [you] have total control of their vote.”

With that perspective, perhaps it is little wonder that students in woke schools know all about imaginary genders, yet next to nothing about basic reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Author: Jane Jones

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