Democrats have already gone apocalyptic over Musk’s purchase of Twitter, so it was really only a matter of time before they began obsessing over all the various ways in which former President Trump could return to mainstream social media platforms.
Despite the fact Trump did not exactly race back to Twitter, lefties apparently spend all day, every day, fretting over Trump having a bigger voice.
Which is probably why they’ve decided to preemptively hit up Facebook, given that Trump’s ban is technically set to expire in January.
In a letter addressed to Nicholas Clegg, the President of Facebook’s Global Affairs, Adam Schiff, alongside other Democrat colluders, effectively begged Facebook not to reinstate Trump.
Talk about excessive government interference.
“For Meta to credibly maintain a legitimate election integrity policy, it is essential that your company maintain its platform ban on former President Trump. We understand that the initial suspension of his account expires in January, and that Meta will then make a decision regarding the future of his account,” the Democrats whined.
Wow, imagine that. The Democrats knowing each and every move that social media giants might make in the imminent future.
Not only that, apparently wanting to control each and every move as well.
“When initially suspending the account, Facebook’s statement said, ‘If we determine that there is still a serious risk to public safety, we will extend the restriction for a set period of time and continue to reevaluate until that risk has receded,’” the Democrats continued, making a clear show of throwing Facebook’s words back in their face.
And, of course, Trump is always a threat to the Democrats.
“Two years later, we can see unequivocally that Trump is still spreading the Big Lie and thus undermining our democracy,” the Democrats intoned dramatically.
Ah. Because the left tells the full truth and nothing but the truth at all times.
How about the “Big Lie” regarding the “Big Guy,” lefties? Any takers?
Ironically, the Democrats fretted over “disinformation” across social media platforms, despite their own direct role in mass censorship campaigns.
“After each election cycle, social media platforms like Meta often alter or rollback certain misinformation policies, because they are temporary and specific to the election season. Doing so in this current environment, in which election disinformation continuously erodes trust in the integrity of the voting process, would be a tragic mistake,” the Democrats moaned.
You know what’s an even larger “tragic mistake?” The decision to ban real stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop, or even mentions about those stories.
That is a tragic mistake, not just for Americans, but also many people around the world suffering from the current international policy of the present White House regime.
Trump made peace deals. Biden makes arms deals.
Say no more.
“Meta must commit to strong election misinformation policies year-round, as we are still witnessing falsehoods about voting and the prior elections spreading on your platform,” the Democrats said pompously.
Ever occur to the Democrats that they are the purveyors of quite a few falsehoods themselves?
Of course, they keep the focus on the one “falsehood” that sustains them.
“Given the continued election denial rhetoric, we urge Meta to recommit to focusing on election integrity year-round, while keeping Congress fully informed about its efforts.
We believe that part of the commitment to election integrity should be ensuring that those who maintain the unfounded, dangerous narrative of the 2020 election are not allowed or encouraged to spread the lie to foster engagement on Facebook,” the Democrats demanded.
Way to try to override internal company decisions, Democrats.
Note that Democrats don’t appear nearly as enthusiastic about national security concerns re: Beijing, despite multiple nations now warning about the threat of TikTok.
Alas, Democrats would rather fixate on banning Trump forever.
Author: Jane Jones