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Rowling Refuses To Mollify Transgender Mob

Go Harry Potter!

J.K. Rowling, who became the world’s first billionaire writer, also became one of the first people to happily lose her billionaire status due to the level of charitable giving she’s engaged with ever since achieving worldwide acclaim.

Sadly, it seems the woke left has forgotten how Rowling reinspired young people to read, as they apparently can’t get over the fact that Rowling stands up for women’s rights.

Which means taking a stand against the militant, transgender mob.

By daring to go against the grain, numerous critics have assailed Rowling’s character, effectively accusing her of hate mongering, which is total and complete nonsense.

Fortunately, unlike other individuals, Rowling did not back down or “apologize” for daring to think differently.

On the contrary, she’s doubled down.

In a recent interview with Suzanne Moore, Rowling laid her feelings bare, making it quit clear that women today are “living through a nightmare.”

“If you’d have shown me when I was 18 what young girls would be dealing with now – what we’d all be dealing with, but particularly young girls – I would have been horrified,” Rowling began.

You’re certainly not the only one who would have been horrified, Ms. Rowling. Quite a few others feel the exact same way.

Unfortuantely, they tend to be silenced, censored, or “cancelled.”

“But now I think we’ve gone backwards. I think we’re living through a nightmare,” Rowling continued.

Way to call out the extreme left for exactly who they are. Architects of a total and complete nightmare in which everyone “looks” different, though they all think the same.

Just as they’ve been programmed to do.

Rowling is an avowed feminist, though the type of feminist that actually represents progress: For instance, feminists fought long and hard for the right to vote, as well as to achieve the ability to make their own way economically.

Sadly, it seems more than one person these days has decided that being a professional victim is a great way to make money, especially if comes with a healthy dose of political partisanship.

“That’s where my brand of feminism splits sharply from third-wave feminism … The contradictions drive me crazy: we’re simultaneously told gender is innate and inborn, and that it’s a choice, a performance. All of these things cannot be true. If it’s a choice, then clearly it’s not innate,” Rowling mused.

Love it! Way to call out the left’s insane contradictions.

Rowling also makes a great point about real feminism versus so-called “third-wave” feminism.

Third-wave feminists are nothing short of leftist militants, especially since they want to destroy the meaning of a woman in the first place.

Rowling also emphasized that she does not hate anyone, but she does not like the fact that leftists won’t even have a rational debate … about anything.

“I have no irrational fear of or hatred towards trans people in the slightest – as, God knows, I’ve said so many times. But if you’re going to say it’s ‘hate’ not to believe in a gendered soul, then we cannot have a discussion. We can’t. There’s nowhere to go. The tactic has been no debate, but it is changing,” Rowling remarked bemusedly.

Yep. The good old “feelings argument.” Hard to believe that lefties so full of hate are capable of actual feelings, but it’s easier to envision when recognizing that they only care about their own.

Everyone else can be “cancelled” as far as they are concerned, especially when they flee to the safe spaces provided by CNN and woke universities.

Speaking of safe spaces, Rowling also took issue with the term, sounding rather bemused by its connotations.

“What is a ‘safe space’? For me, a safe space is not somewhere where I have to use only the ‘correct terms’ or where I am not allowed to talk about my own life experience. Or I am not allowed to profess a belief in biology. How is that a safe space for me? Of course not, nor is it a safe space for many, many women,” Rowling added.

Nor is it safe for conservatives, or, for that matter, anyone who values a remotely traditional way of life.

Including basic courtesy, decency, and respect.

Rowling, as a real feminist, recognizes her financial autonomy and power, and she can frankly afford to be “cancelled.”

“That’s why it’s important that women like us stand up – people who can afford to take the hit. And yeah, that comes at a cost. We’ve both paid that cost, and we will both be told that we have been cancelled,” Rowling continued.

Unfortunately for the leftists, efforts to cancel Rowling somewhat backfired, to put it mildly.

“The only time I’ve ever made reference to being cancelled, my book sales went up. Why am I even laughing? I can’t believe I’m saying these words. But you have to mock them. I do not consider myself cancelled,” Rowling drawled.


Keep on hating on Rowling, haters. The silent majority clearly supports her.

“It’s going to have to be, me, isn’t it?,” Rowling continued, “because I will always be able to feed my kids, even if everyone boycotts my books for the rest of my life. That is a phenomenally privileged position to be in. I consider myself one of the most fortunate people on Earth.”

Hear that, leftists? That’s called gratitude. Try it every now and then.

Aside from giving interviews, Rowling also clearly puts her money where her mouth is, as evidenced by the recent opening of a center to help women in her native UK.

“I founded Beira’s Place to provide what I believe is currently an unmet need for women in the Lothians area. As a survivor of sexual assault myself, I know how important it is that survivors have the option of women-centered and women-delivered care at such a vulnerable time,” Rowling declared.

Now that is a feminist worth looking up to.

Author: Jane Jones

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