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Musk Petrifies The Left With New “Pronouns”

Despite the ongoing “dark winter” Americans are experiencing under the tyranny of the Biden administration, a few glimmers of brightness have emerged in 2022.

One such bright spot includes Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, which has enabled him to have a much greater voice on the global stage.

Of course, the media is launching an all-out assault on Musk for daring to deviate from the left, in spite of Musk ironically catalyzing the electric vehicle (EV) movement the left is so obsessed with in the first place.

Apparently, demonstrating diversity of thought is far more dangerous to the left than the continuation of (gasp!) fossil-fueled cars, given that all the left does now is fixate on the horrors of Musk telling the truth.

And one of the biggest truths has yet to be exposed, namely regarding what the COVID pandemic was reallyall about.

Musk has certainly called nonsense on a number of media claims from the start, including during an earnings call in 2020.

“My guess is that the panic will cause more harm than the virus, if that hasn’t happened already,” Musk mused at the time.

That’s right. And not only panic: nearly two years of lockdowns, which have been widely associated with vastly more detrimental health effects.

However, lockdowns were clearly more about seeing how far Americans would go in terms of losing their liberties, and, sadly, many lefties are apparently just fine with losing them all, as long as they look “cool” and anti-Trump.

Musk, however, called lockdowns out for exactly what they were.

“I would call it, ‘forcibly imprisoning people in their homes’ against all their Constitutional rights, in my opinion, and breaking people’s freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong and not why people came to America or built this country. It’s an outrage,” Musk declared.

In light of the fact that several elements of CDC “guidance” have proven to be bonkers (including ineffectual masks), more than one Twitter user is quite keen on getting to the bottom of why the social media giant chose to suppress actual scientific studies (many conducted in Europe) regarding the virus.

Especially since all the suppressed studies conveniently contradicted Emperor Fauci, who has become disturbingly rich off the pandemic.

Nothing like profiting from spreading mass panic, provided one has limited to no conscience.

Twitter user Aaron Murray is quite keen on learning about the social media censorship of science.

“When will we get the twitter files on covid? The info on the suspension of the many doctors and scientists? Who was involved? Suppression of what has turned out to be factual information,” Murray inquired.

Musk replied affirmatively, clearly putting the left on edge with his response.

“Oh it is coming bigtime …” Musk teased.

“Big time.” Love it.

So did Twitter user Klay Thompson, who proclaimed, “Bring on FauciGate.”

Musk also petrified the left with his “pronouns,” which are far more desirable than the “zee” and “zir” transgender nonsense being promoted by none other than the bloody Department of State.

“My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” Musk drawled.

The tweet had garnered well over 600,000 “likes” within hours of Musk’s posting, illustrating all the more clearly how the new Twitter CEO is a better representative of Americans’ interests than most pitiable politicians.

Not to mention a vastly better representative than “public health” expert Fauci himself, who delivered a number of disturbing statements during a November 23 deposition, including 174 instances of “I don’t recall” in response to 174 questions.


“I don’t recall,” however, is probably less disturbing than the response Fauci gave when he was asked about interacting with social media executives.

“Well, right now, no, but when my daughter worked at Twitter, I was on a first-name basis with her,” Fauci drawled.

Ah. So Fauci’s daughter just happened to work at Twitter during the pandemic, aiding and abetting the censorship of science.


Not ony that, but Fauci also closely allied with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in 2020, given that Zuckerberg, unlike Musk, is clearly just fine with people being imprisoned in their homes (more hours on hissocial media platforms, after all).

“I worry that reopening certain places too quickly, before infection rates have been reduced to very minimal levels, will almost guarantee future outbreaks and worsen longer-term health and economic outcomes,” Zuckerberg drawled.

Right. Except Zuckerberg and the rest of the tech bros freely travelled when others did not.

Do they have some kind of super-immunity that grants them the right to travel over others?

Perhaps they do, if being a globalist makes one “super-immune” to everything.

And, insanely, despite the fact that COVID is clearly not an issue as it once was, the wokest of woke cities just can’t seem to give up the idea of everyone appearing masked and unfriendly.

Kind of like the criminals they provide sanctuary for.

LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer, for instance, is already sounding the alarm on indoor mask mandates.

“Universal indoor masking would only go into effect if we’ve had two weeks, consecutive weeks of remaining at that high level for both thresholds with the hospital metrics,” Ferrer drawled.

Yeah. Because Democrat-driven data is oh so accurate.

Twitter user Richie Torres also takes issue with Musk’s pronouns, hilariously trying to claim that Musk simply doesn’t like Fauci agreeing with him.

“Elon Musk wants to criminalize Anthony Fauci because he disagrees with him. Elon is no champion of free speech,” Torres whined.

Really? Seems tens of millions of Americans disagree with Fauci as well, especially given his direct interference with their quality of life.

After all, he is largely responsible for the closure of numerous small- and medium-sized businesses with his asinine policies.

Torres humorously went as far as to say that neither Fauci nor Biden constitute “real issues.”

“The GOP and their allies are fixated on Dr. Fauci and Hunter Biden instead of the real issues we face,” Torres whined.

Oh, but of course. Public health experts profiting from pandemics and presidents profiting from foreign foes apparently aren’t “real issues” to Torres. Got it.

Of course, Torres concluded his rant with a request for money, the standard Democrat way.

“We need to take back the House in ’24 and the work starts TODAY. Can you RT and chip in $24 so we can focus on the EXACT races that we need to win?” Torres proclaimed.

Hm. Wonder how many ballots will be stuffed for each $24 donated …

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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