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Biden Dismisses Cognitive Concerns

While the White House can be unpredictable, full-bridled arrogance tends to be an unfortunate mainstay.

After all, Biden appeared rather arrogant in a recent speech, when he smarmily boasted about Dems winning.

Even worse, the president also appeared to dismiss cognitive concerns, which have been raised by multiple individuals.

“While the press and the pundits are predicting a giant red wave. It didn’t happen. I know you were somewhat miffed by my incessant optimism, I felt good during the whole process, I thought we were going to do fine,” Biden blared.


See how “fine” they would do without the assistance of the media, including the utterly shameless coverup of Fetterman, which Meghan McCain blasted.

Even more arrogantly, Biden declared he would change “nothing” about his time in office.

The families of soldiers lost in a disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, not to mention Afghans currently terrorized by the Taliban, would likely not be a fan of such a remark.

Not that Biden would notice, as he brazenly doubled down on failed policies.

“I’m not going to change,” Biden declared.

Incredibly, Biden also returns back to the mysterious “they” often referenced in his gibberish speeches.

“They’re just finding out what we’re doing. The more they know about what we’re doing, the more support there is,” Biden boomed.

Right. Sure, Biden.

The president also arrogantly wished “lots of luck” to Republicans angling for an investigation of Hunter Biden’s business dealings, making it rather clear that his son is apparently off-limits.

Then again, the “Big Guy” has long profited from his son’s antics, so it is not terribly surprising to evaluate the nefarious direction foreign affairs have taken.

Biden also mocked both DeSantis and Trump with regards to 2024, though neither has made a formal announcement.

“It’ll be fun watching them take on each other,” Biden laughed.

 It will be even more fun to watch Biden removed from office, as he clearly remains totally out of touch with the voters’ needs.

Specifically, two-thirds of voters do not want Biden to run again, as illustrated in recent exit polls.

Rather than commiserate with voters, Biden effectively doubled down on 2024, coolly remarking, “watch me.”

How unifying.

Nile Gardiner, a foreign policy analyst, was clearly perturbed by Biden’s speech, nothing that he was not only arrogant, but remarkably delusional.

“Joe Biden delivering an arrogant and delusional press conference from the White House. No humility from a president whose party is on course to lose control of the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate too. This man is completely tone deaf,” Gardiner exclaimed.

Andy Biggs, a Republican representative from Arizona, also noted Biden’s obvious “disconnect.”

“Totally disconnected. Arrogance at its finest,” Biggs drawled.

Varied social media users also likened Biden to current world dictators.

The same ones who happen to be linked to his son.

“’Biden thinks he is the Xi Jinping of America. His arrogance in the speech this afternoon shows he has no intention of working with anyone to adjust his policies, and will continue to fight anyone who tries to stand up to him. His ‘tough guy’ image is so sad,” the commenter declared.

The progressives also have knives out for a 2024 Biden campaign, which is rather evident from their “Don’t Run Joe” push.

“Bold and inspiring leadership from the Oval Office will be essential,” the group declared, “unfortunately, President Biden has been neither bold nor inspiring. And his prospects for winning re-election appear to be bleak. With so much at stake, making him the Democratic Party’s standard-bearer in 2024 would be a tragic mistake.”


Quite a bit is at stake, especially when accounting for Biden’s myriad gaffes.

And one of the biggest doozies occurred right before midterms.

“And, by the way, if they do, that means – not a joke, everybody; that’s why we defeated it in 2018 when they tried to do it. We went to 54 states. The reason is people didn’t realize that the only reason anybody who has a pre-existing condition can get healthcare is because of that Affordable Care Act,” Biden blared.


Exactly who wants a president that doesn’t even know how many states are in the United States?

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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