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Xi Tramples Trudeau On Global Stage

The G20 Conference has been full of drama, but perhaps some of the most significant drama of all occurred with none other than Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

As reported by the Daily Wire, Chinese President Xi Jinping openly scolded Trudeau on the global stage, revealing the extent to which Canada rather obviously kowtows to China.

“Everything we discussed was leaked to the paper(s), that’s not appropriate. That is not appropriate, and that’s not the way the conversation was conducted,” Xi raged.

In other words, Xi was furious about how he was portrayed in the Western media, never mind all the actions he has personally taken to validate widespread, negative perceptions about him.

Kind of troubling that the leader of China apparently has the gumption to believe he should be able to control Western media along with his own.

“If there is sincerity, we can communicate well with mutual respect, otherwise the outcome will not be easy to tell,” Xi continued ominously, in his typically vague fashion.

Trudeau delivered a sniveling reply at best, hilariously claiming that Canada values “free and open” dialogue.

“In Canada we believe in free and open and frank dialogue and that is what we will continue to have. We will continue to look to work constructively together, but there will be things we disagree on –” Trudeau began.

Clearly unafraid of Trudeau, Xi abruptly cut the Canadian leader off.

“Create the conditions, create the conditions, OK?” Xi interjected before stalking off in a rage.

Needless to say, reader comments on the Daily Wire provide greater insight into that exchange than any media pundit.

“Zero chance Trudeau was ‘tough’ on Xi,” one commenter chortled.

“Knowing a little something about Chinese culture, I find this conversation astonishing. Xi ‘s willingness to be publicly confrontational suggest both familiarity with and contempt of Trudeau. Makes one wonder what other conversations these two might have had at these international meetings?” another commenter wondered.

Excellent point. One can only wonder why Xi felt so empowered to publicly tell off Trudeau.

Probably because Xi saw right through Trudeau’s phony claim to value “free and open” dialogue.

“To our non-woke non-authoritarian Canadian friends: Trudeau and Biden are locked in an epic struggle for worst national leader in the history of North America,” another commenter added.

Sounds about right. Especially as Biden and Trudeau clearly colluded over declaring a national emergency over truly peaceful protestors who participated in the Freedom Convoy.

The type of collusion that would make an anti-liberty leader like Xi proud.

In a pointed opinion piece for the National Post, “Xi Jinping takes Justin Trudeau down a peg,” Terry Glavin delivers a scathing commentary on Trudeau’s long held allegiance towards the communist autocrat.

The columnist begins by roasting Trudeau’s “foundational policy of kowtowing to China’s Xi Jinping” before segueing into a number of effectively fake news headlines in Canada, such as “Trudeau raises ‘serious concerns’ about Chinese interference in talks with Xi” and “Trudeau accuses China of ‘aggressive’ election interference.”

These headlines, in other words, suggest that Trudeau was allegedly playing a real tough guy in negotiations with Xi, though everyone knows he essentially fled the capital in fear of Canadian truckers who posed no threat whatsoever.

The Freedom Convoy actually knows the meaning of peaceful assembly. in sharp contrast to BLM, Antifa, the latest ecoterrorist entity, and other related leftist enterprises.

Needless to say, Trudeau’s misguided efforts to look tough in the press spectacularly backfired when the increasingly Western media savvy Xi openly rebuked him in full view of the press, clearly reminding the lockdown-obsessed Canadian “leader” who his real boss is.

As evidenced by Trudeau’s startling coverup, as detailed by Glavin.

“That’s pretty good spin when you consider what the story was really about. It was about Global News revealing last week that for 10 months, Trudeau had been sitting on reports from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service disclosing an elaborate plot hatched out of China’s Toronto consulate that funded interference in 11 ridings during the 2019 federal election campaign,” he continued.

Well then. Looks like “intelligence” agencies in Canada receive their training from the Hunter Biden laptop-hiding FBI and increasingly woke, warmongering CIA.

Glavin also didn’t hold back any punches when reporting on Trudeau’s long-rapturous relationship with Beijing, which curiously spans the entire duration of his “leadership” to date.

“It’s pretty good press, because it was so rich: Trudeau getting points for defending Canadian sovereignty after having invited and encouraged Beijing’s sordid influences in Canada’s economic and political life at every opportunity, ever since he was ushered into the Prime Minister’s Office in 2015,” Glavin intoned ominously.

Frightening. Very frightening indeed.

No wonder Canadian “intelligence” has suppressed information regarding Chinese interference in Canadian elections. One can only assume that the interference may potentially benefit Trudeau or his interests in some way.

One really does wonder even more deeply about Trudeau’s antipathy towards the truckers, to the extent that he declared a national emergency upon Canadians who dared to peacefully protest … the type of declaration reserved for terrorists and other malevolent entities that pose imminent threat to life.

Could the Canadian leader’s demonization of the Freedom Convoy and implicit threats in his emergency declaration have been influenced by his rather obvious political, economic, and cultural subservience to Beijing?

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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