Looks like AOC finally received a long overdue awakening at a recent, nearly empty town hall.
However, that town hall has now gone viral, courtesy of a couple of protestors who called out Ms. AOC for exactly what she clearly is.
And that’s someone who is clearly deeply in bed with the swamp and all the newfound benefits it brings her.
Benefits such as wearing a “Tax the Rich” dress to a $35,000 per ticket gala, which in turn sparked an ethics complaint against the Congressional “representative.”
Added bonus: The dress was designed by someone who dodges taxes herself. Classic.
No wonder the protestors had quite a few things to say to her, things she couldn’t retort so easily against.
“I believed in you, and you became the very thing you sought to fight against. That’s what you’ve become. You are the establishment,” one of the protestors shouted.
Good point.
Though one would go as far as to say that the establishment bought her to be a brilliant distraction.
One who will be especially convenient during times of war, as the elites in the military-industrial complex are quite clearly gunning for yet another endless war of attrition in Eastern Europe.
“You originally ran as an outsider, yet you’ve been voting to start this war in Ukraine, you’re voting to start a thermonuclear war with Russia and China. Why are you playing with the lives of American citizens?” the protestor continued angrily.
Because AOC could care less about the average lives of American citizens, that’s why.
She barely cares enough to keep up a persuasive façade in public, though she at least makes periodic halfhearted efforts to ensure she keeps raking in nearly $200,000 per year, never mind her nefarious side activities through mysterious LLCs.
“Congresswoman, none of this matters unless there’s a nuclear war which you voted to send arms and weapons to Ukraine,” the protestor added, “Tulsi Gabbard, she’s left the Democratic Party because they’re a bunch of war hawks.”
And Gabbard likely has a massive media target on her back for doing so, unfortunately. But she is speaking to the truth of the “warmongering cabal” that she left.
Jose Vega, one of the protestors, declared on Twitter that they eagerly confronted Ms. AOC regarding her tacit support for nuclear war, as she surely isn’t working towards reducing the conflict.
“My friend @Noggatone and I confronted Congresswoman @AOC on her support for Nuclear War and Ukrainian Nazis. I call her out for being a coward in the face of the party that will push us all into Nuclear war right now. Will she stand up like @TulsiGabbard and fight for peace?” Vega demanded.
Well, considering Gabbard has a brain and AOC doesn’t, chances are low that AOC will do anything truly different.
She’ll just keep on voting in favor of death and destruction.
“You voted to mobilize and send money to Ukrainian Nazis. You have done nothing. Tulsi Gabbard has shown guts, where you’ve shown cowardice,” Vega roared.
To be fair, AOC is a hired coward. A very loud one, but, at the end of the day, says nothing that her puppet masters don’t want her to say.
In terms of doing, she clearly does nothing of benefit for ordinary Americans, though she’s a great propagandist tool for the elites that bought her.
Author: Ofelia Thornton