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Superstar Rapper Shreds BLM

Superstar rapper Kanye West, well known for enraging the media due to his long-term support for Trump, is at it again.

This time, the superstar made quite the appearance with Candace Owens, wearing t-shirts that have sent the mainstream media into an apocalyptic meltdown.

Both West and Owens adorned shirts that declared, “White Lives Matter,” and, predictably, the media is blasting the move as “racist” in spite of the fact both West and Owens are black.

“The real problem in black America is that Kanye and Candace put on a ‘White Lives Matter’ t-shirt. So, let’s focus on that instead,” Owens drawled sarcastically.

On his part, West proclaimed that BLM is a total scam and the jig is clearly up.

“Everyone knows that Black Lives Matter was a scam,” West proclaimed, “now it’s over, you’re welcome.”

Thank you indeed, Mr. West, for openly stating what pretty much no one else can, let they are labeled the “r” word in spite of BLM’s widely documented thievery.

One of the many ways in which the race debate is totally upside down, as observed by Owens.

“If ‘black lives matter,’ then some of these things that we have been talking about on this show, things I’ve been talking about throughout my entire political career, would be getting attention, not the t-shirt,” Owens began in a rather pointed dig against liberal elites who believe they know best about well, everything.

And those elites have been particularly recalcitrant in the matter of recent Supreme Court rulings, in particular the decision to return the issue of abortion to states.

What the elites aren’t referencing is the reality that many of the Planned Parenthood clinics happen to be placed in largely minority areas, a fact that Owens isn’t afraid to indicate.

“For whatever reason, since we have convinced ourselves to genocide our own offspring, nobody cares. In fact, they tell you that it is your right [to abort] … 20 million black babies, and yet a t-shirt is what got attention last night,” Owens noted in disbelief.

The controversial conservative host continued on to remark upon a rather astonishing reality in New York City, which is notably that abortion rates outstrip birth rates within the black community.

“In 2012, more black babies were killed by abortion in New York City than were born,” Owens observed.

No wonder Democrats have gone so ballistic over abortion. They probably view it as an issue of integral importance amongst their main voting base … Except the Democrats have been steadily losing support amongst several key demographics, in particular law-abiding, legal immigrant Hispanic voters, who are turning towards the Republican Party and its emphasis on family values in droves.

Perhaps a more diverse cohort than college “educated” Bernie Sanders fanatics and violent BLM thugs should be advising the Democrat Party these days.

Owens also was not afraid, at all, to touch on other statistics that the Democrat Party has largely dismissed, notably the statistic regarding black-on-black violence.

“No one wants to talk about criminality; people don’t want to talk about black-on-black crime,” Owens noted, observing that individuals would rather blast her as “racist” than acknowledge the realities of endemic violence within the communities.

“Let’s call that racist to even acknowledge that truth, to talk about the ills in our own community,” Owens remarked.

She also shredded the fact that three out of four black male students in California are unable to bass a basic reading exam, underscoring one of the many ways in which Democrat-backed systems fail the communities they proclaim to want to help the most.

No wonder superstar rappers and individuals of all backgrounds are abandoning the Democrats in droves.

After all, if one doesn’t believe in the abolition of gender, alongside abolition of the family, it doesn’t seem like the Democrat Party has much to offer anyone anymore.

Author: Jane Jones

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