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Militant Teachers Union Epically Fails Against DeSantis

Democrats’ fear of DeSantis is rather obvious, considering all the ridiculous ways in which they are attempting to humiliate him. With “attempting” serving as the key word, given that they oftentimes end up making themselves appear more ridiculous in doing so.

Case in point: California Governor Gavin Newsom, who is so incredibly popular he faced a recall election in his own state, spent $100,000 on attack ads against DeSantis … only for Fox News Digital to later reveal that Newsom’s own in-laws have donated directly to DeSantis’s campaign.

To be a fly on the wall in the Newsom family’s Thanksgiving feast, which is probably lavish, though not as lavish as the feasts of the Russian and Chinese oligarchs he clearly envies, given how often he emulates their despotic ways.

Now, yet another militant “educator” has attempted to go against DeSantis, though all they really succeeded in doing was revealing their own absence of education.

The nonsense all began when DeSantis made his thoughts on Project 1619 very clear.

“They want to teach our kids that the American Revolution was fought to protect slavery, and that’s false,” DeSantis asserted, “we know why the American Revolution was fought. They wrote pamphlets, we saw them dump tea into the Boston Harbor. We saw them meet in Philadelphia, and we have the records of why they revolted against King George III.”

Exactly. Project 1619 militants would have you believe that slavery was literally the only issue that led to the American Revolution, which frankly makes limited sense considering that the British used slaves well up through the early 1800s, or long after America declared itself free.

1833 is quite a few years ahead of 1776.

Then again, Project 1619 banks on students and their parents not knowing a thing about basic American history, never mind British.

That doesn’t stop ignorant leftists from trying to accuse DeSantis of what they themselves are clearly guilty of, such as Ron Filipkowski.

“Emperor Desantis gives his absurdly false version of how he expects history to be taught: ‘It was the American Revolution that caused people to question slavery. No one had questioned it before we decided as Americans that we are endowed by our creator with unalienable rights,’” he sneered.

Actually, Mr. Filipkowski, it is precisely the American Revolution that led people to begin questioning slavery, especially in light of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence afterwards.

Speaking of the Constitution, it is pretty clear that American Federation of Teachers union President Randi Weingarten doesn’t have a clue what the document is, by her own hilarious admission while ranting and raving against DeSantis.

“The American Revolution was about leaving Britain,” she raged, “if America’s founders questioned slavery there would not have been the heinous ‘3/5 compromise’ in the US Constitution, which was drafted and enacted AFTER the American Revolution. This is basic history.”

Uh, Ms. Weingarten … the Three-Fifths Compromise was NEVER in the Constitution as that was a law that has since been destroyed, and it was destroyed DUE TO the Constitution … chiefly through the 13thAmendment, following the Civil War, that abolished any form of slavery in the United States.

Scary that a so-called “president” of educators can’t distinguish between basic legislation (subject to change) and an actual amendment to the Constitution.

And Americans wonder why kids these days are clueless about civics.

Twitter user Michele Tafoya further revealed Weingarten’s rather questionable grasp of the Constitution, namely by quoting Frederick Douglass, a freed slave who praised the document far more than today’s spoiled Bernie Sanders militants.

“Now, take the Constitution according to its plain reading, and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it. On the other hand it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery,” Douglass declared.

If only today’s brats, especially the BLM-obsessed brats, would heed the words of Douglass …

Author: Jane Jones

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