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Pelosi Flips Positions On Student Loans

In just over a year, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has undergone a dramatic reversal in her position regarding the forgiveness of student loans.

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden declared that the United States government would forgive up to $10,000 in student loans for college graduates still saddled with debt. While this move may enhance support for the Democrats heading into the fall midterms, it is also widely anticipated to worsen inflation, which is already reaching untenable levels.

RNC Research recently emerged onto social media to indicate that Pelosi had flip-flopped on a key position regarding whether or not the president has the unilateral authority to forgive student debt.

“PELOSI, LAST JULY: Biden ‘does not’ have the power to bail out student loan debt. PELOSI, NOW: ‘Clearly, it seems [Biden] has the authority to do this,” the RNC tweeted, contrasting a video from July 2021 with a video from the present month to emphasize the extent to which Pelosi had reversed her position.

In 2021, Pelosi had tweeted that people mistakenly believe that the president “has the power for debt forgiveness.”

“He does not. He can postpone. He can delay,” Pelosi continued gravely, “but he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.”

However, by 2022, Pelosi had shifted her sentiments, claiming that she is not aware of what authority the president may or may not have with regards to student loan forgiveness.

“And now, clearly, it seems, he has the authority to do this $10,000,” Pelosi brayed.

Representative Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin informed Newsmax that he agrees with the stance Pelosi expressed in 2021.

“She’s 100% right,” Grothman declared, adding that Biden is “just power mad.”

“What you are doing is you are spending, over $300 billion without Congress appropriating it,” Grothman continued, “in other words, you have a dictator here who doesn’t care what Congress says, who doesn’t care if Congress doesn’t want to spend $300 billion.”

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