He just doesn’t know when to quit, does he?
California Governor Gavin Newsom, who clearly can’t fix the problems in his own state, has apparently decided that attacking a governor that gets it right is a great campaign strategy.
“Time to make Ron DeSantis a one-term governor. I’m pledging $100k right now to @CharlieCrist. Who will join me in helping Charlie become the next Governor of Florida?” Newsom boomed on Twitter.
Right, Newsom, right.
What are you so threatened about, anyway? It’s not as if DeSantis goes out of his way to pick a fight on the west coast, but apparently the west coast has to pick a fight with DeSantis.
Apparently, Newsom feels a strong affinity for DeSantis’s competitor, Democrat Charlie Crist, though this affinity is likely sudden and superficial, like most actions undertaken by Democrats.
“I like Charlie Crist and I don’t like bullies. We want to ask what my way is in life. And I don’t like bullies,” Newsom declared at a press conference.
Newsom doesn’t like bullies, but he bullied tens of thousands, if not more, of small business owners into bankruptcy across California. Right.
“I don’t like people that demean people. I don’t like people that talk down to people. I didn’t like what DeSantis said about [Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Adviser to the President Dr. Anthony] Fauci the other day,” Newsom trilled.
A Democrat that doesn’t like people who talk down to other people?
Wow, self-awareness isn’t the California governor’s strong suit is it?
Neither is an understanding of Florida voters, judging from Newsom’s clueless attack ad.
“I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight, or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom – freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate and the freedom to love,” Newsom boomed.
DeSantis himself is quite amused by Newsom’s lame attempts to harm him, pointing out that he has lived in Florida for quite some time and is hardly threatened by Newsom’s attempts to undermine his popularity.
“I can just tell you this, I was born and raised in this state, and until the last few years I rarely if ever saw a California license plate in the state of Florida. You now see a lot of them. I can tell you if you go to California you ain’t seeing very many Florida license plates,” DeSantis remarked drily.
Ain’t that a fact …
Author: Ofelia Thornton