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MSNBC Stuns Nation With Racial Remark

Democrats really never cease to amaze, at least when it comes to dropping their so-called concerns regarding racial “microaggressions” when it suits them.

The party that routinely declares itself as ultra-sensitive towards race apparently isn’t very sensitive when individual thinking dares to stray outside the party line, which is precisely why aspiring Senate candidate Hershel Walker is encountering significant criticism in the mainstream media.

And one of the worst critics of all as of late has been Elie Mystal, a contributor the Nation, who recently made a series of startlingly vicious remarks on Mystal during an appearance with Tiffany Cross on MSNBC’s “The Cross Connection.”

“Walker presents exactly as a person who lacks independent thoughts, lacks an independent agenda, lacks an independent ability to grasp policies,” Mystal proclaimed.

Well, that’s awfully interesting.

Sounds like a better description of President Joe Biden in his present state.

Not only does he lack an independent agenda, but he apparently lacks the ability to know when to enter and exit a room, as indicated by the cheat sheet cue cards telling him to do so.

Then again, Democrats excel at accusing others of what they themselves are all too often guilty of.

“Why are Republicans backing this man who’s so clearly unintelligent, who so clearly doesn’t have independent thoughts?” Mystal prattled on in anger.

Walker actually has quite a few thoughts if Mystal bothered to listen to them.

However, as Democrats have a habit of trashing legislation they haven’t even bothered to read, it should come as no surprise that they trash the independent thoughts of someone they don’t bother to listen to.

Instead, they invent a myth.

And, in this case, the myth continues to sound just like the current president.

“That’s actually the reason – Walker is going to do what he’s told,” Mystal blared.

Eh, more like that’s “actually the reason” Democrats made sure that Biden would be their candidate … he was guaranteed to “do what he’s told.”

Mystal was the most shocking of all, however, when actually employing one of the “n-words” to allude to Walker.

“That’s what Republicans like … That’s what Republicans want from their Negroes – to do what they’re told,” Walker sneered.


So, apparently it’s acceptable for Democrats to allude to minority Republicans with truly heinous terminology.

Clearly, Democrats have a real issue shaking their real history with the issue of race, slavery, and segregation.

Which is precisely why Walker realizes how much help the party truly needs.

Upon hearing Mystal’s remarks, Walker was understandably aghast, though Walker also realized both Mystal and the news network clearly need help.

“Shame on MSNBC and shame on him,” Walker remarked, “I’m going to pray for both of them, because they need Jesus.”

Walker also noted the stark difference between the commentary on MSNBC and the like versus the commentary expressed by himself and others.

In particular the starkly anti-American rhetoric.

“When I saw what he said, it reminded me of the differences between myself and my opponents,” Walker continued, “Senator Warnock and the left-wing crazies that believe America is fundamentally a bad country full of racist people.”

No kidding. And one can only hope that Walker will sail right past Warnock in the election, especially given his priorities.

“You know, this is a good country full of good people,” Walker continued, “with God’s help, we’re going to bring the people of Georgia back together.”

With time, hopefully the people of the entire nation back together, especially as saber rattling grows on the international front.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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