As Democrat discontent grows with the Biden administration over ineffectual leadership coupled with damaging gaffes, rumors are spreading regarding potential contenders in 2024.
Hillary Clinton’s name has unsurprisingly surfaced, given that she has long gunned for the chance to become the first female president, assuming that the word “female” is not politically incorrect by 2024.
While Clinton remains a perennial favorite amongst corrupt oligarchs, both domestic and abroad, another name has been floated for possibly serving as president in 2024: California Governor Gavin Newsom.
Much to the horror of individuals who suffered business-killing lockdowns under the tyrannical governor, lockdowns so severe that they eventually sparked a recall election, Newsom appears to be a Democrat darling for possible 2024 contenders, in large part due to his far left agenda.
Some of the rumors regarding Newsom’s potential run for the White House have surfaced in light of his unabashed attacks on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is widely rumored to be a top choice for Republicans should former President Donald J. Trump elect not to run.
According to former California Senator Barbara Boxer, the attacks on DeSantis “[signal] to others in the Democratic Party that this is not, you know, a time to be sweet and nice.”
Other Democrat Californians have also extolled the apparent virtues of Newsom, with former Majority Leader Ian Calderon declaring that Democrats are eager for someone to go on the “offense,” in spite of President Biden routinely disregarding checks and balances under the command of faceless authorities.
“Democratic voters are tired of feeling like we’re on defense,” Calderon whined, “and [we] want our leaders to go on offense because we believe that we’re right on the issues.”
However, incumbent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not appear overtly pleased by Newsom’s possible run for the White House, especially in light of his direct criticism of the Democrat Party.
After Newsom demanded to know “where the hell” the Democrat Party was in response to the Supreme Court, Pelosi directly addressed the California governor’s angry commentary on “Face the Nation.”
“I have no idea why anybody would make that statement unless they were unaware of the fight that has been going on,” Pelosi remarked coolly.
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