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Senator Cruz Faces Critical Situation

When the left gets nasty, they get really nasty.

After all, shattering Supreme Court precedent by leaking a draft of the then-impending decision to overturn Roe v. Wade clearly illustrates remarkably uncouth behavior.

Speaking of which, any reason the media is protecting the leaker? Anyone?

The media can conduct a nationwide witch hunt for January 6 protestors, yet it apparently can’t find who leaked a draft, which would clearly be a much easier mystery to solve?


Anyway, shattering precedents clearly isn’t good enough, and that’s already been achieved by condoning BLM’s violent ransacking and robbery of multiple businesses in the name of “justice.”

Even and especially when the businesses are minority-owned.

Now, the Democrats are clearly just fine with their so-called constituents openly threatening violent murder of colleagues who oppose them, with one of the most recent, unfortunate targets including Senator Ted Cruz.

22-year-old Isaac Ambe Nformangum, yet another violent waste of space in the United States, apparently decided to call up Cruz’s Houston office and issue a violent threat against him for … supporting voter integrity.

Something suggests that another entity may have put Nformangum up to his nefarious tasks.

After all, Democrats have zero issue sacrificing pretty much anyone for their perverse aims, in the spirit of their communist masters in China.

“This is one of the many Afro-American constituents of whom you are representative of here in Texas,” Nformangum raged, “I have just read the Texas Republican Party’s platform for this current 2022 year, wherein it is apparent that your colleagues intend to have the Voting Rights Act repealed and not reauthorized.”

Given the utter stupidity Nformangum expressed in directly incriminating himself, something suggests that he didn’t read a thing,

Much in the same way the 26-year-old wastrel from California, Nicholas John Roske, moronically waived his Fifth Amendment rights before announcing his apparent “life’s purpose” was to execute Brett Kavanaugh.

Fortunately, like most of the lunatic, leftist lemmings, Roske failed in his pathetic, albeit psychopathic, plot.

Meanwhile in Texas, Nformangum further highlights his utter lack of intellect when he continues to read the script clearly prewritten for him in advance, a clear homage to his media-created hero, “President” Biden.

Then the violent imbecile decides it’s a great idea to go on the literal record, threatening extreme violence against Senator Cruz.

“Every last one of your Republican colleagues to have signed off on that platform is to be and found and, is to be found and killed, be it by a bullet to the face or by the smashing of a brick in your skull,” Nformangum snarled, “it is a civic duty of every American citizen or resident to see to it that every last one of your colleagues is to be killed.”

Well then. Where to even begin with such utterly violent, sadistic commentary?

Recalling the aforementioned reference to Dems’ Chinese communist masters, it’s quite curious that Nformangum mentioned “smashing a brick,” given that bricks are notoriously rumored to be a preferred method of choice the triads, insanely violent Chinese gangs long rumored to be linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Who in turn have had a heavy helping hand in paying “the Big Guy” Biden in the Oval Office a whopping 10 percent, clearly one of the best investments the Chinese government ever made, at least in terms of its plot to take over the world.

A plot that former Head of Intelligence John Ratcliffe, who worked for the Trump administration warned about directly before Biden’s takeover.

In addition, it’s also interesting that Nformangum suspiciously uses such eloquent phrasing and specific semantics.

“Civic duty?” Something suggests a thug like Nformangum doesn’t use that phrase very often.

Unless it’s written for him in advance, that is.

Of particular interest is his reference to “citizen or resident,” which sounds like it was ripped straight out of more than one whining Democrat’s mouth.

After all, a “citizen” has a right to vote. A “resident,” in particular an illegal resident, does not.

Given that Cruz lives in Texas, which just declared that an “invasion” is occurring at the Southern border, is Nformangum suggesting that the new, unwelcome “residents” in Texas have a “civic duty” to assassinate Republicans?

Given the path Democrats have long since gone down, frankly ever since the end of the Cold War, it wouldn’t be surprising.

They are no doubt furious over Ted Cruz’s lengthy commentary regarding S.1, the “Voting Rights Act” referenced by the violent Nformangum.

“This legislation, I believe, is the most radical legislation the Senate has considered in the nine years I’ve been here, and it is the most dangerous legislation pending before the United States Congress,” Cruz warns, before proceeding to skewer one of the Democrat’s many gaslighting gangsters that have taken up permanent residence in the swamp.

“I listened to Senator Schumer’s speech where he recounted this country’s shameful history of Jim Crow laws. And he’s right, Jim Crow laws were bigoted, racist, and disenfranchised millions of people,” Cruz continued.

The Texas senator also reminded individuals of a rather inconvenient truth: The Democrats’ open involvement in Jim Crow legislation, one of the many ways in which they exerted their authoritarian desires.

“It is worth remembering that those Jim Crow laws were drafted by Democrats, they were implemented by Democrats, and they kept Democrats in power,” Cruz noted.

Yep. And, hilariously, Democrats claim that the new Voting Rights Act is “Jim Crow 2.0.”

Apparently, preventing noncitizens from voting, which is enshrined in the Constitution, and preventing felons from voting, which is enshrined in numerous state laws, constitutes “Jim Crow” for the 21st century in the Democrats’ eyes.

Way to announce their principal voting base …

“This [legislation] would register vast numbers of criminals and felons to vote because Democrats have made the decisions that criminals and felons are likely to vote for Democrats,” Cruz remarked.

No kidding. After all, Dems aren’t pushing “Defund Police” for free.

Once again, Cruz smashes Democrats out of the ballpark when it comes to the facts.

According to the dastardly bill itself, specifically within Subtitle E of Division A, the Democrats indeed include a clause that proclaims all individuals, regardless of “criminal conviction,” must be permitted to vote in federal elections.

Alongside hordes of illegals.

Which, of course, presents grave issues for the state of the nation.

“This legislation is profoundly dangerous and the reason is it suppresses millions of votes by allowing millions of people to vote illegally,” Cruz added, succinctly summarizing the chief aim of Democrats.

Now all they have to do is get rid of that pesky electoral college … and without voters’ vigilance, they just might. Especially given their growing propensity for violence.

In the meantime, Nformangum remains at large at the time of this writing, though he will hopefully be caught in short order.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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