The lefties need to take a lesson from their own deranged Woodstock days, at least in terms of their so-called “love and peace” initiatives.
As the militant left is showing everything but that according to a frightening intelligence report released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as detailed at length in the Daily Wire.
“Some domestic violent extremists (DVEs) will likely exploit the recent US Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe V. Wade to intensify violence against a wide range of targets,” the DHS intoned.
Well, it’s nice to see that the DHS has decided to focus on actual threats of terrorism instead of school board meetings for once.
After all, conservative parents simply don’t want their 5-year-olds indoctrinated into the Dems’ sick transgender agenda.
Then again, the flip side of this observation is that the threats towards anything or anyone conservative are so intense that the department actually has to take notice, especially given how imminently the leftist DVEs appear to be acting.
“We expect violence could occur for weeks following the release, particularly as DVEs may be mobilized to respond to changes in state laws and ballot measures on abortion stemming from the decision,” the DHS continued.
Yep. Standard behavior from the pro “choice” crowd.
They value diversity in values about as much as they value diversity in political ideology, which means not at all.
“We base this assessment on an observed increase in violent incidents across the United States following the unauthorized disclosure in May of a draft majority opinion on the case,” the DHS continued.
Strangely, the leaker still hasn’t been caught. Very strange, considering how few people would have had access to that document.
However, the truth can’t be suffocated forever, just like Hunter Biden’s dastardly laptop couldn’t.
The DHS continued on to remark about leftist violence, notably the so-called “Jane’s Revenge,” a militant effort against any pro-family efforts.
“In late May, a network of loosely affiliated suspected violent extremists, known as ‘Jane’s Revenge’ – which has been linked to arson attacks against the buildings of ideological opponents – shared a post online encouraging a ‘night of rage’ following the Supreme Court announcement, stating, ‘we need the state to feel our full wrath’ and ‘we need them to be afraid of us,” the DHS continued.
Uh, the nation already had plenty of the “wrath” of tax dodging, money stealing BLM.
Perhaps BLM and Jane’s Revenge can coordinate their sick efforts, especially since they’re clearly operating under the same insane globalists gunning for pandemics, Chinese (i.e., communist) hegemony, and who knows what else.
“An individual is now awaiting trial for a plot in June to kill a US Supreme Court Justice in response to the draft opinion. A separate incident in Michigan involved vandalism claimed by ‘Jane’s Revenge’ on a building that houses a US Representative’s campaign office and a pro-life advocacy group,” the DHS noted.
Can you imagine the reaction from the left if a plot to kill Biden’s politically correct appointee, the first black woman who can’t define the word “woman,” to the Court?
It would be nonstop national news for weeks.
However, since the media skews nastily against anything conservative, it comes as no surprise that the key figureheads are completely blowing off very real threats to pro-family organizations.
“Both reproductive and family advocacy healthcare facilities likely will continue to remain primary targets for criminal incidents, and violence could escalate against these facilities or personnel,” the DHS remarked.
Violence has already escalated, as evidenced by the vandalism endured by many facilities in the wake of a leaked draft.
And, unless the DHS dedicates the same efforts to leftist terrorists that it does to conservative parents, it is likely that these attacks will continue to escalate.
“Faith-based organizations across the United States continue to report numerous criminal incidents against religious institutions connected to abortion rights. We are aware of at least 11 incidents of vandalism threatening violence targeting religious facilities perceived as being opposed to abortion, and one threat to ‘bomb’ and ‘burn’ a church in New York,” the DHS added.
So, now churches have to be subjected to terrorism, all because they happen to espouse a pro-life message, oftentimes accompanied by love towards all.
Including the very terrorists who attempt to annihilate them.
“These incidents of vandalism against faith-based organizations could indicate future targets of DVE attacks,” the DHS concluded.
You don’t say …
Meanwhile, Ms. Madame House Speaker Pelosi, who should focus more on her drunk husband than the latest leftist drivel, has added fuel to the fire by raging away about the “extremist” Supreme Court … even though the biggest extremists of all are clearly individuals who cannot and will not tolerate a truly free society.
Author: Jane Jones