Long-term Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who currently serves as the House Speaker, recently sniffed at the opportunity to relieve pain at the pump for numerous Americans.
Specifically, the Democrat declined to endorse the White House’s suggested gas tax holiday, coolly remarking that the leadership of the Democrat Party would need to evaluate the relative merits of a proposal designed to alleviate widespread economic pain.
“We will see where the consensus lies on a path forward for the President’s proposal in the House and the Senate,” Pelosi sniffed, adding that several Democrat-backed bills ostensibly “[build] on the strong bills to lower prices at the pump already passed by House Democrats, [which include] the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act and the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act.”
In other words, Pelosi is indifferent to immediate relief at the pump, which may span as high as 18 cents off per gallon.
Pelosi is hardly the only Democrat to blow off potential savings for Americans, given the response of other representatives in the House, such as Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts.
“The challenge on the gas tax is: Is the savings really going to flow to the consumer?” Neal queried, “Or is it going to be pocketed by the oil companies?”
“These are legitimate questions,” Neal added forcefully.
In addition, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland also insisted that immediate relief at the pump will apparently not have “the intended effect” for consumers, without offering further explanation or clarification.
Meanwhile, the White House has been raging away at sky high gasoline prices while steadily dodging accountability for its own role in the energy crisis.
Vacillating between placing blame on “Putin’s Price Hike” and a litany of other characters, Biden has proclaimed that oil companies are allegedly “profiteering” off of gasoline, despite having no control over globally set prices, which are determined by OPEC+.
Meanwhile in the Asia-Pacific region, China is enjoying steeply discounted gasoline at the cost of Americans, forging a closer connection than ever with Russia.