An angry 26-year-old man, who hails from California, has just been indicted on serious charges, notably attempts “to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice of the United States,” as reported by CBS News.
Nicholas Roske, a directionless millennial, informed the FBI that his life’s “purpose” apparently centered on murdering Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh due to his belief that states rather than the federal government, should ultimately determine legislation pertaining to abortion.
Roske made the admission after he was informed of his right to remain silent, as well as after he indicated that he understood his rights under the Fifth Amendment.
Roske was arrested outside of Kavanaugh’s Maryland house in the early morning hours of June 8, where police discovered in his possession a black mask, lock-picking tools, a knife, pepper spray, hard-knuckled gloves, a Glock handgun, and several dozen rounds of ammunition.
In addition to being enraged over “the leak of a recent Supreme Court draft decision,” the FBI affidavit notes that Roske was also angered by “the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.”
The defendant “indicated that he believed the justice that he intended to kill would side with Second Amendment decisions,” which in turn “would loosen gun control laws,” the affidavit continued.
On Tuesday, the House of Representatives, which is currently dominated by Democrats, finally approved legislation that would provide for 24/7 security for the families of Supreme Court justices, given the increased threat of extreme violence from various militant groups.
One ultra-feminist group, for instance, has promised a “Summer of Rage” in response to the upcoming Supreme Court ruling.
The delay from the House is significant, given that the Senate unanimously passed the bill over a month ago.
House Democrats claim that the delay was due to additional demands for protection of Supreme Court employees, though these employees do not constitute the principal targets of hardline extremists.
The claim is all the more dubious considering the praise that Democrats have lavished upon the Supreme Court leaker, despite the destabilization the leak has arguably brought to one of the nation’s most venerable institutions, which had previously never experienced a leak of this magnitude.