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ShutDownDC Threatens Supreme Court Chaos

Looks like the “ShutDownDC” movement is not at all fazed by the fact that someone attempted to execute a Supreme Court justice.

Given that they’re bound and determined to wreak havoc in Washington D.C., all over supposed reproductive health rights.

They promised a “Summer of Rage,” and it looks like they’re getting off to a swinging start, this week to be exact, as advertised by their official website of hatred.

“On June 13, one of the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision days, we plan to blockade the streets around the Supreme Cou.t to rise up for the transformative change that our communities need. Right now, our political system is in crisis,” the organization whined.


It’s in crisis all right. A crisis when a bunch of rabid pro “choice” activists, who don’t seem very interested in a diversity of choices, are allowed to stampede the swamp while truckers expressing rather legitimate concerns are blocked before even arriving.

Not that any of the utterly self-involved leaders of the absurd, likely Soros-funded movement would care to advocate free speech.

They’d rather incinerate it.

Per the outrageous group, the Constitution, which is what the Supreme Court has made their ruling on, is apparently an annoying “status quo” that must be eliminated.

“Times of crisis can either be opportunities to break through the inertia and win transformational change or they can be opportunities for the establishment to further entrench the status quo,” the group continued to whine.

More appropriate dialogue for deliberately debt-laden students in some useless graduate seminar.

Not so appropriate when the same whackos are given a national microphone.

ShutDownDC also astonishingly continued to whip up its illiterate base by raging away about the Supreme Court, almost as if they want a repeat of what just happened with Kavanaugh.

“Justice Alito’s draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade is beyond alarming,” the group continued, “it would not only allow states to outlaw abortion (which is already de facto unavailable to many who need it, particularly people from marginalized communities) but could also be used to allow states to outlaw contraception, same-sex marriage, protections for LGBTQ folks, and even interracial marriage.”


Only leftists could take a Supreme Court ruling that effectively returns power back to the states (much needed power, no less, as enshrined in the 10th amendment) and turn it into race.

What isn’t about race to these utterly irresponsible, insanely ignorant children masquerading as informed adults?

One thing is for sure: Once China takes over, no protests will exist of any kind.

And a takeover appears increasingly likely, between Beijing not only compromising Biden but also the very universities all the snowflakes get their sick ideas from in the first place, which even Politico acknowledges.

No wonder China has become so bold, especially since the United States can’t even figure out the difference between men and women.

China, which has long since mastered the difference, has also long since figured out whoever holds the most moolah, especially in conjunction with massive nuclear silos, is far more likely to dominate the world.

Then again, perhaps Hunter and Co. knew that all along, which would explain the CCP’s rather frightening, underreportd posturing over the weekend.

Not only did China openly push around the nation’s Defense Secretary, but it also continued to brag about amplifying its military arsenal over the weekend.

Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe proclaimed that “China has developed its capabilities for over five decades,” before proceeding on to taunt the West with its efficiency.

“It’s fair to say there has been impressive progress. China’s … policy is consistent,” Fenghe said coldly, “we use it for self defense. We will not be the first to use nuclear [weapons].”

That’s right.

Likely because Russia will be first, at the rate this utterly disastrous administration is going.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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