In remarks to Newsmax TV, Republican Senator Ron Johnson declared that the rather obvious disinterest from the Department of Justice regarding a number of issues plaguing the United States underscores the reality of “two tiers” that prevail across the nation’s judicial system.
“We have one for Democrats and their elite friends, and we have one for everybody else,” Johnson observed.
During his appearance on “Spicer & Co.,” the Wisconsin senator referenced the stunning acquittal of attorney Michael Sussmann, a top lieutenant in the Clinton cadre, who evaded culpability despite openly lying to the FBI over his involvement with the nefarious Russian collusion scam.
Moreover, the Department of Justice’s absence of interest in protecting Supreme Court justices, while simultaneously, and aggressively, pursuing alleged January 6 defendants serve as additional evidence of a two-tier system, per Johnson.
“They protect people on their side,” Johnson continued, “people like Michael Sussmann get off when he clearly lied to the FBI.”
Moreover, the remarkably irresponsible vice president, Kamala Harris, “actually encouraged people to donate to the bailout fund for the summer protesters in Minneapolis, Minnesota,” Johnson continued.
The GOP senator noted that Republicans unilaterally condemn violence, and he supports holding individuals who exhibited any violence on January 6 “persecuted to the full extent of the law.”
However, the Department of Justice has taken a heavy-handed approach to prosecuting January 6 defendants, according to Johnson, as evidenced by the fact that SWAT teams have gone after elderly individuals for daring to simply show up to the Capitol in support of Trump on January 6.
“But they send in SWAT teams to grandma and grandpas sitting at their farms because they just showed up at the Capitol,” Johnson continued in disbelief, “and they never entered the Capitol grounds.”
Adding further insult to injury, Johnson has reached out to the Justice Department on multiple occasions seeking their position on threats against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, as well as varied pro-life groups.
“You just never get any answers from this Justice Department at all,” Johnson remarked bleakly.