In case you’re wondering the extent to which the White House has weaponized various law enforcement and intelligence agencies against American citizens, wonder no further.
The most recently released “Annual Statistical Transparency Report,” which can be read in its entirety here, provides rather nefarious insight into the ways that the White House has taken aim at Americans ever since Biden’s unfortunate ascendancy.
To be exact, FISA Section 702, Sub-Section C provides extensive insight into all the ways in which the FBI is brazenly violating the Fourth Amendment protections of innocent before the eyes of the law Americans.
Figure 9, located on page 21, referred to as “FBI U.S. Person Queries,” provides insight into the “estimated number of U.S. person queries of unminimized Section-702 acquired contents and non-contents for foreign intelligence information and/or evidence of a crime.”
Rather chillingly, it is safe to say that the FBI’s “queries” of Americans increased quite dramatically over time.
Specifically, from the period of December 2019 to November 2020, fewer than 1,324,057 queries were conducted.
Fast forward to the period of December 2020 to November 2021, fewer than 3,394,053 queries were conducted.
In other words, under the Biden administration, the FBI’s “queries” of American citizens increased by nearly 250 percent.
For the record, this type of mass surveillance behavior is certainly on par with what the Soviet Union did with its own citizens during the Cold War, and it’s rather ironic for the White House to feign some moral high ground in East Europe now when it’s pursuing straight-up into KGB-style intimidation itself, just with the FBI instead.
Moreover, is it any coincidence at all that these queries happened to magnify after the National School Board Association (NSBA) demanded for the federal government to treat conservative parents as though they were terrorists?
Expect these queries to dramatically increase in light of Whoopi Goldberg’s recent demands, who apparently got a free pass from the “free” press after dishonoring the Holocaust.
Apparently emboldened by her “victory,” Goldberg openly called for deputizing Americans against one another.
“I want to thank Governor Abbott because he signed 22 bills this year making it easier for mass shooters to buy, carry, and own guns in his state,” Goldberg blared, “let’s apply his abortion laws to guns, deputizing citizens to sue anyone involved in gun violence. So you sold an AR-15 at the gun show? See you in court. Does your neighbor have too big an arsenal? Call the cops.”
Way to unite the nation, Goldberg.
If anything, chaos and division appear to be mandatory requirements for her “career.” Without them, her “career” would surely sink as she clearly lacks any intrinsic talent.
Aside from attacking others, that is.
“Alito says abortion’s not in the Constitution, well neither are AR-15s. So, I guess the Constitution doesn’t cover them either. Life is so sacred, then stop using guns to abort young lives. Stop using guns—,” Goldberg shouted before being interrupted by yet another insufferable presence on “The View”: Joy Behar.
Behar declared that Americans should stop voting for Republicans altogether, clearly giving away the Dems’ rather nefarious plot for a full and complete takeover of the government, effectively turning American into an authoritarian regime.
The same types of regimes that the military allegedly fights against overseas, only to come home and see their own nation transform dramatically under Democrat tenure.
Guess when Whoopi shouts, the FBI moves …
Author: Jane Jones