If a Republican is going to pick any Democrat to run on the ticket in 2024 (think a cross-party ticket, which really would symbolize “unity”), then they should keep in mind Tulsi Gabbard.
Gabbard, a member of the Democrat Party, has illustrated that she has no qualms whatsoever about telling things like they are, much in the same way other well-known conservatives have garnered global acclaim for doing so.
And Gabbard’s searing, yet remarkably accurate, commentary was on full display over the weekend, namely when she openly called out Obama’s utterly shameless influence over the federal government.
Insanely shameless, actually, and one could only imagine the apocalyptic fit the media would throw if the reverse scenario occurred with Trump.
Then again, Trump isn’t a card-carrying NWO elite like Obama, who was perhaps one of their cheapest acquisitions ever, relative to the damage he’s caused in his wake.
And the damage continues, chiefly in the form of the “Disinformation Governance Board.”
At this point, virtually everyone knows that a man being directed by an Easter Bunny (i.e., Biden) probably didn’t come up with the latest 1984-style creation.
Obama, however, probably would. In fact, for that matter, he probably did.
As called out by Gabbard directly.
“Biden is just a front man … Obama, April 21: social media censors ‘don’t go far enough,’ so the government needs to step in to do the job. Six days later, Homeland Security rolls out the ‘Ministry of Truth’ (aka Disinformation Governance Board),” Gabbard declared on Twitter.
Absolutely spot on analysis.
Obama’s meddling was brazenly obvious to conservatives, but it’s awfully nice to see Democrats call out a despot when they see one.
Even when it’s one of their own.
After all, Obama was rather brazen on April 21, in that he pretty much ordered big tech to censor everything.
“Now the good news is that almost all the big tech platforms now acknowledge some responsibility for content on their platforms, and they’re investing in large team of people to monitor it,” Obama brayed, “given the sheer volume of content, this strategy can feel like a game of Whac-A-Mole.”
By the “sheer volume of content,” Obama is referring to voices that dare to lean conservative.
Which is especially evident in the “former” president’s follow-up statement.
“But while content moderation can limit the distribution of clearly dangerous content, it doesn’t go far enough,” Obama boomed.
Yeah, really. If it were up to Obama, Tulsi Gabbard’s post would already be censored for “disinformation.”
In fact, her post just might be censored, as Musk hasn’t yet taken over control of Twitter (yet). Hopefully, the White House won’t pull any funny business with private enterprise, but it wouldn’t be the first time.
Alejandro Mayorkas has apparently jumped on the Big Tech censorship bandwagon, clearly believing that conservative commentary is more of a threat to the nation than cartels surging across the border.
“The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat,” Mayorkas declared in another ineffectual appearance.
Great. How about “bringing resources together” to combat the border crisis? Seems a tad more pressing.
It would also be great if Mayorkas could stop openly lying, which is clearly becoming the universal currency of the current White House
Dana Bash of CNN openly questioned whether or not the new and unimproved addition to the Biden administration would entail additional restrictions on Americans.
“Let’s talk about what your department is calling, The Disinformation Governance Board that you unveiled this week. Republicans are calling it Orwellian and comparing it to the ministry of truth in the novel 1984. Can you clarify what exactly is this? What exactly will this disinformation governance board do? Will it monitor American citizens?” Bash pressed.
Notice all the ways in which Mayorkas does not answer the question below.
“Dana, I’m very pleased to do so. It’s clear, I mean, those criticisms are precisely the opposite of what this small working group within the Department of Homeland Security will do,” Mayorkas gushed, “and I think we probably could have done a better job of communicating what it does and does not do. The fact is that disinformation that creates a threat to the security of the homeland is our responsibility to address. And this department has been addressing it for years.”
Great, a sea of generalities that says nothing specific. Notice he didn’t even bother to acknowledge whether or not the White House would embark on full-blown spying.
Which prompted Bash to ask him yet again.
“Will American citizens be monitored?”
Mayorkas quickly replied a bit too effusively, not to mention untruthfully.
“No, no, the board does not have any operational capability,” Mayorkas lied, “what it will do is gather together best practices in addressing the threat of disinformation from foreign state adversaries, from the cartels and disseminate those best practices to the operators that have been executing and addressing this threat for years.”
Really? So “all the resources” of DHS do NOT have “any operational capability?” Is that so?
Exactly why did Obama pull out all the stops (ineffectively) chasing Edward Snowden all over the planet, who revealed the exact degree of “operational capability,” not to mention mass surveillance of Americans, that the government fully exercised against the nation?
The DHS has no “operational capability,” yet the NSA was busted spying on foreign leaders? Not to mention spying on legions of Americans for … no reason?
What a total liar! Where’s his “fact check?” As that’s a fact that desperately needs to be checked.
One can only hope that Senator Tom Cotton’s efforts will prevail.
“The Federal Government has no business creating a Ministry of Truth. The Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Disinformation Board’ is unconstitutional and unamerican, and I’ll be introducing a bill to defund it.”
One can only hope that bill, along with many others, will surge forward after the midterms.
Not only was Obama yapping away a tad suspicious relative to the establishment of this “board,” but Musk’s acquisition of Twitter also raises eyebrows about the timing.
No wonder Musk, clearly much more equipped mentally than the entirety of the White House put together, had one word, and one word only to say about the Biden administration’s latest descent into totalitarianism: “Discomforting.”
Indeed, it is …
Author: Jane Jones