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Red State Rolls Out Red Carpet For Musk

While various snowflakes in California and equally out of touch locations may be having a full-blown, apocalyptic fit over Musk acquiring Twitter, it is worth observing that several vastly more sane, undeniably conservative individuals out there see Musk as a blessing.

Including Texas landowner Jim Schwertner, who serves as president and CEO of Schwertner Farms, and who very proudly advocates entrepreneurship.

“We’ve always been entrepreneurs in our family, and we’ve always tried to help the communities,” Schwertner declared.

Translation: Schwertner offers real work, not the type of “entrepreneurship” seen in California today.

Such as charming teenagers skipping school to shoplift whether schools are closed or not, up to $999 of course or whatever absurd figure still constitutes a misdemeanor that won’t be prosecuted in California, only to resell it all in some divey, unsanitary area of San Francisco or other California locale.

Or they may even graduate to becoming “smash and grab” robbers to get their Gucci bags for, you know, “reparations” and all.

Heaven forbid they spend any of their “reparations” on an actual education, but these types of individuals generally do not gravitate towards self-improvement.

Like hardworking Texans and their generations of entrepreneurship.

Not to mention generosity, as evidenced by Schwertner’s highly generous offer.

“Elon, Move twitter to Schwertner, TX, 38 miles North of Austin and we will give you 100 Acres for FREE,” Schwertner declared.

Excellent! Imagine 100 acres for “FREE” in the Bay Area.

Hilariously, frankly sadly, one of the most expensive high rises in the San Francisco Bay Area is apparently right beside a massive homeless dwelling, illustrating the extent to which California is truly becoming the third world that migrants are running from.

Texas, however, is interested in the empowerment of all, not a few at the top of a rather diseased kleptocracy governing the so-called state of California.

“We think it’s a good idea, especially when you’ve got Samsung coming to Taylor,” Schwertner continued, “I mean, this area is exploding and we want to be part of this explosive growth.”

Exactly. One state’s losses = another state’s massive gains.

Of course, Democrats probably are angling towards dismantling state borders just like national borders to take over industry in Texas, if they can, which is all the more reason why it is critical to get the whole lot of them out of power.

“I just think with all the stuff he’s done, he evidently likes Texas, right, or he wouldn’t have moved from California. And I want to be part of his plan if he’ll come visit with us,” Schwertner added.

No kidding. One state is basically the third-world, whereas another is full of hope and sunshine, not to mention a vastly lower chance of earthquakes.

Plus, affordability isn’t even comparable; even woke Facebook is now quietly headquartered in Texas.

“I think my offer is a serious gesture to help the citizens around Williamson County,” Schwertner proclaimed.

Absolutely. Unlike the White House regime, Texas is for Americans, not for selling out Americans to the highest bidder.

And Abbott is ecstatic, immediately retweeting Schwertner’s offer.

“Texas man offers Elon Musk 100 acres of FREE land to move Twitter’s headquarters. I will declare it a ‘Free Speech Zone’ Maybe we can rename it Twitter, Texas. Think about it,” Abbott boomed.

Twitter, Texas. Awesome. With “holiday parties” (to use the PC term) hosted in Mar-a-Lago on an annual basis.

Individuals who spread disinformation are not invited.

Speaking of those individuals, a very different scenario is playing out in California, per

leaked emails reported by the New York Post.

“We’re all going through the five stages of grief in cycles and everyone’s nerves are frazzled,” a senior engineer at Twitter whined, “we’re all spinning our wheels, and coming up with worst case scenarios (Trump returns! No more moderation!). The fact is that [Musk] has not talked about what he’s planning on doing in any detail outside of broad sweeping statements that could be easily seen as hyperbolic showboating.”

Oh, the horror! Sniveling snowflakes in San Francisco going through “five stages of grief” over a business acquisition? Spare us all!

That “grief” would be more appropriate for countless people overdosing in San Francisco sidewalks, courtesy of a wide open border allowing Chinese fentanyl to flood the market and destroy endless American lives.

But please, by all means, descend into grief over a man who has singlehandedly been responsible for ushering in a new wave of EVs to America, just as the leftists want.

It’s really pretty unbelievable; leftists hate free speech more than they love EVs.

Then again, they’re all flying on private jets anyway, or angling to, so who knows if their EV push is even for real.

Given how virulently they are presently attacking the CEO of Tesla, it seems the left cares more about authoritarianism than so-called “green living.”

Which is why Republican senators have utterly shredded the babies at Twitter.

Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, another state that is sane like Texas, was unimpressed by Twitter employees’ inability to handle mergers and acquisitions, despite working in an industry renowned for frequent reshuffling.

“[F]irst of all, I think the Twitter snowflakes are just having a good old-fashioned come-apart,” Blackburn remarked.

“They’re going to have to go to tolerance class if they’re going to keep their jobs, and they can no longer censor. I’m seeing about 20,000 additional followers a day. What they’re doing is unlocking accounts. They are not shadow banning. So, they are allowing people who have clicked to follow you to actually populate your Twitter feed. … I think all of us on the conservative side are gaining supporters simply because of this,” Blackburn concluded.

About time.

After all, more than one woke corporation is making professional (very busy) Americans sit through moronic CRT training.

About time the snowflakes learn to deal with life, as clearly their education has instilled in the the opposite capacity.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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