Oops, the Dems did it again!
According to Angela Onwuachi-Willig, a so-called expert on hate, err, critical race theory, at Boston University School of Law, racism is apparently absolutely everywhere within the United States, to the extent to which is “embedded” in the American psyche.
“Racism is not extraordinary. Race and racism are basically baked into everything we do in our society. It’s embedded in our institutions. It’s embedded in our minds and hearts,” Onwuachi-Willig brayed.
Well, according to the infinite wisdom of the Democrat Party, racism is apparently embedded in math, which is apparently now a “white supremacist” concept.
That’s right: The Oregon Department of “Education” (ODE), otherwise known as an employment center for woke, intellectually underdeveloped adults, has apparently decided that math needs to be more “equitable.
ODE, appropriate given the chronic whining and wailing associated with snowflakes, has already issued a document that buggers belief, starting with the title: the “Equitable Math” toolkit.
This “toolkit,” which appears to be the creation of the real brains guiding the public spectacle of BLM, harps about the damage caused by supposed “ethnomathematics.”
Yes, apparently the fact that 2 + 2 = 4 is now deeply offensive to various liberals, for reasons completely unknown to anyone but them.
“White supremacy … infiltrates math classrooms,” the ODE brayed.
And, of course, ideas regarding “white supremacy” are apparently equivalent to ideas of “right and wrong.”
Even in math.
“The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so. Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict,” ODE declared.
Excuse the entirety of the planet? Math is now “subjective?” Really?
What happened to all those “facts” that the Democrats were so obsessed with?
Inconvenient now that their prime voting base apparently cannot add or subtract?
“The framework for deconstructing racism in mathematics offers essential characteristics of antiracist math educators and critical approaches to dismantling white supremacy in math classrooms by visualizing the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture,” ODE continued nonsensically.
Translation: Yet another idiot PhD wrote that one, as it “sounds smart” yet says nothing.
However, the effort to link the Derridean concept of deconstruction to racist math is amusing, if not pathetic.
Jacques Derrida (a deconstructionist philosopher) would not be pleased, so make a note of that, useless PhD #100000.
Speaking of useless, why is Oregon even bothering to revamp its math curriculum?
After all, Governor Kate Brown already signed Senate Bill 744, though she refuses to comment on it.
And no wonder, considering the horrors that are lined up inside the bill, all over COVID, of course.
“Changes in legislation or administrative rules that will reduce disparities and ensure that every student will be on track to earn one of the high school diplomas offered in this state,” the bill began.
Apparently, it never occurred to the government that such “disparities” usually emerge when one side chooses a life filled crime and the other side chooses a life not filled with crime.
Democrats are all about choices but rarely about consequences.
The bill signed by feckless Brown has apparently decided to reduce equity by making it harder than ever for disgruntled youth to get ahead, mainly by handing them a diploma with no skills to show for it.
“Notwithstanding any rules adopted by the State Board of Education, a student may not be required to show proficiency in Essential Learning Skills as a condition of receiving a high school diploma during the 2021-2022 or 2022-2023 school year,” SB 744 proclaimed.
Well, as long as the “graduates” know enough math to steal under $999 of merchandise in Chicago or Los Angeles in yet another “smash and grab” robbery, I guess they’ll be “set” for life …
Author: Ofelia Thornton