Well, fake news just has to keep up the phoniness, even during times of war.
As evidenced by WaPo’s indefensible defense of Biden’s crazed blundering over the weekend.
“[Biden’s speech was] a pitch-perfect call for Western unity in the face of Russian aggression,” WaPo journalist Max Boot declared, adding that “history will vindicate this Biden ‘gaffe’ in much the way that many historians have praised comments by President Ronald Reagan that were once seen as dangerously provocative.”
Note to Boot: Please do not ever, ever compare Biden to Ronald Reagan again.
Those two are not even remotely in the same league, starting with the fact that Reagan didn’t have any children making multiple millions from foreign adversaries, in spite of the clear endangerment to national, frankly global, security that such shenanigans would cause.
Of course, Boot spoke about Biden as if he were the greatest gift to the world during especially perilous times, blithely carrying on about how it’s effectively no big deal if Biden were to provoke Putin, though Putin has openly threatened nuclear war.
“I understand the argument that Biden blundered because raising the prospect of regime change in Russia runs the risk that Putin might now fight all the harder,” Boot chirped.
You don’t say?
How about the fact that Putin likely reached the conclusion to “fight all the harder” after the joke of an Obama administration threatened, then failed to reinforce, a so-called red line?
Or the fact that Obama has loudly bragged that Biden is “finishing the job” of his past administration, which is hardly going to strike fear into the hearts of dictators like Putin?
Good to know that Boot is capable of such realizations, though these have long been obvious to any conservative with a clue.
Astonishingly, Boot has the gall to blast Biden’s aides, who, you know, are trying to prevent World War III, likely with the US on the losing end with Biden at the helm.
Apparently, Boot was highly offended that the aides attempted to dismiss Biden’s inflammatory remarks as a “gaffe.”
“Certainly the fact that Biden’s aides rushed to walk back his remarks with lame explanations (‘The president’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region,’ one said) suggests that this was indeed a gaffe — one of many that Biden has committed over his long political career,” Boot continued.
Uh, that would be because it was a gaffe? Clearly?
At that point in time, Boot proceeds to segue in the most absurd “defense” of Biden yet, which would be almost comical save for the fact that the few dozen people that read WaPO probably take it seriously.
“I wonder if perhaps history will vindicate this Biden ‘gaffe’ in much the way that many historians have praised comments by President Ronald Reagan that were once seen as dangerously provocative. Reagan called the Soviet Union an ‘evil empire’ and predicted it would wind up on the ‘ash heap of history.’ Those tough but true words contributed to raising superpower tensions in the early 1980s, but they also inspired many behind the Iron Curtain to fight for freedom. After the Berlin Wall came down, many saw Reagan as a visionary, not as a warmonger,” Boot declared.
Note to Boot: During the 1980s, college students were capable of going to class and seeing American flags without being offended. Something suggests today’s college students may not be a very impressive force.
Moreover, Boot also claims that historians will allegedly respect Biden’s supposedly tough stance in the future, which is rather hilarious.
“Future historians might similarly vindicate Biden’s hope that Putin — whom he has accurately branded a ‘war criminal’ — will fall from power even though the United States apparently has no plan to remove Putin, just as in the 1980s the United States did not have any plan to topple the Berlin Wall,” Boot bragged.
Given the 25th amendment rumors buzzing around Biden, it’s more likely that Biden will be removed from power by his own party.
Keep dreaming, Boot …
Author: Jane Jones