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Craven Biden Bulldozes Business Confidence

Biden sure liked to brag about “beating Trump like a drum,” so perhaps it is no surprise that Putin, in conjunction with others, are clearly “beating the United States like a drum” under Biden’s “leadership.”

The same leadership crushing American businesses while promoting enterprises abroad.

Which is why it is not at all surprising that Russia, China, and a legion of other nations are having an effective party with Biden at the helm.

After all, what’s he going to do? More economic sanctions? While sending the price of oil skyrocketing, in turn further enriching some of the world’s greatest despots?

Regardless of what the Biden administration ultimately does or doesn’t do, it appears that all of their actions or inactions can be sublimated into the following observation:

Too little, too late.

As House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy has clearly observed.

“I think all of his actions have been too late. His actions have created this problem – how he pulled out of Afghanistan, denying American pipeline but providing it to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin – I think it’s too late,” McCarthy remarked.

And it’s not just Americans that recognize the international incompetence of the Biden White House: It’s also Europeans.

“Europe has united – not because of something Biden has done, but because of what Putin has done,” McCarthy continued, “they’re looking for some leadership and, unfortunately, they’re not getting it from Biden.”

That’s for sure. Biden pretty much obliterated all confident in American leadership after the Afghanistan fiasco, not to mention his continuous attacks on the private sector.

Which is why NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned about the new, unfavorable times for free nations.

“We face a fundamentally changed security environment where authoritarian powers are increasingly prepared to use force to get their way,” Stoltenberg remarked.

Not to mention a “fundamentally changed” environment with regards to the American government’s ability to protect its people, which McCarthy also notes.

More exactly, Biden pretty much told American businesses “good luck,” rather than expressing any sentiment that they would be ok, even in the event of a massive cyberattack.

“He warns American businesses that you’re going to be attacked, instead of telling Putin you’re not going to attack us … I mean, that is a sign of weakness,” McCarthy stated in disbelief, “that is making America more vulnerable.”

The Biden administration has done so many different things to make the United States more vulnerable that one would almost start to believe that was the point of his whole presidency.

Especially since the Biden presidency is apparently Obama’s “third term,” after all.

A term that clearly includes acquiescence to China, otherwise known as Hunter Biden’s primary customer for his “art.”

Which is likely the reason that China does not fear openly joining alongside Moscow in thumbing its nose at freedom.

“Beijing has joined Moscow in questioning the right of independent nations to choose their own path. China has provided Russia with political support, including by spreading blatant lies and misinformation,” Stoltenberg detailed.

So, in other words, China and Russia are the equivalent of Facebook, Twitter, and others that branded the very genuine Hunter Biden laptop to be “misinformation.”

One can only imagine how many other truths are being deliberately hidden from the public.

One can also only imagine what the Biden White House won’t do in the face of increasingly intensified offensives from Russia, including the threat of chemical weapons.

Per NATO, the use of chemical weapons may well be a line that Putin shouldn’t cross, though it remains unclear if Biden would even bother doing anything substantive in light of such an attack.

“The use of chemical weapons will totally change the nature of the conflict, and it will be a blatant violation of international law and will have far-reaching consensus … Any use of chemical weapons is absolutely unacceptable,” Stoltenberg declared.

Quite a few things going on in the world are “absolutely unacceptable,” and one can only hope that they are rectified in short order.

Including the literally nuclear developments, including Russia’s threat to use nukes.

“Russia must stop its nuclear saber-rattling. This is dangerous, and it is irresponsible … Any use of nuclear weapons will fundamentally change the nature of the conflict,” Stoltenberg added, “and Russia must understand that a nuclear war should never be fought. They can never win a nuclear war.”

Never say never … though it is doubtful this chaos would even be occurring if a different leader were in charge now.

Author: Jane Jones

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