Clearly, the Biden administration has decided to follow the exact inverse of FDR’s famous “Big Stick Ideology.”
Rather than speaking softly and carrying a big stick, the Biden administration is irrationally shouting while carrying next to nothing.
Or, at minimum, carrying literally zero willingness to do anything of substance.
The lengths the president will go to protect his son’s dodgy business interests, which irrationally range from serving on an energy board in Eastern Europe to selling his “art” to dubious, anonymous Chinese officials.
Which is probably why China epically blew Biden off yet again over the weekend with regards to Putin’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
According to a “senior” White House official, the phone call with China effectively didn’t go as planned, as Biden continued to warn about the same tired “consequences” that clearly have limited, if any, impact in preventing a full-on humanitarian crisis.
“President Biden made clear the implication and consequences if China were to provide material support for Russia as it prosecutes its brutal war in Ukraine, not just for China’s relationship with the United States, but for the wider world,” the senior official declared.
Well, considering that China doubled down on its position Friday night and Sunday morning over the weekend, it’s pretty clear whatever “consequences” Biden threatened China with over its relationship to Russia hardly even registered on Xi’s radar.
Especially considering the nature of Biden’s “threats,” as outlined by the same White House official.
“[But] the president really wasn’t making specific requests of China, he was laying out his assessment of the situation, what he thinks makes sense, and the implications of certain actions. I think our view is that China will make its own decisions,” the official admitted.
Gee, what a surprise. China will make its own decisions? You don’t say!
After all, they decided to infect the entire planet with COVID and still have gotten away with literal murder via manufactured viruses, a feat that Putin undoubtedly envies as he becomes a pariah in the West.
As far as Biden goes, little wonder about the absence of specificity.
Does the president ever make any “specific requests” regarding anything outside of the Democrats’ ultra-woke causes?
After all, he has been very specific in terms of systematically dismantling all of Trump’s
“America First” policies, promptly moving “America Last” options in place instead.
He demands the right for boys to use girls’ bathrooms while ignoring the fact that boys wipe out girls in traditional athletic competitions, almost in the same way that the media has totally blown off sexual assault allegations against virtually any Democrat.
Until they become so prolific, numerous, and long-lasting that not even fake news media can fake it much more, though they can certainly put up a valiant effort trying.
Needless to say, Democrat incompetence has been on full display for the world to see, then everyone acts shocked when other nations decide to exploit painfully obvious American weaknesses.
Which is precisely why China recently turned the tables on the Biden administration.
According to a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, the current crisis in Europe is the complete and total fault of the United States.
“What the US should do is to seriously reflect on its role in the Ukraine crisis and the part it has played, effectively assume its due responsibilities, and take practical actions to ease the situation and solve the problem, instead of continuing to add fuel to the fire and shifting problems,” Zhao Lijian declared, “as the culprit of the Ukraine crisis, why does the US keep smearing China instead of reflecting on the security predicament in Europe caused by the eastward expansion of US-led NATO?”
Well, Biden sure scared China.
Not only have they refused to “help” Biden, but they’re now actively blaming Biden for the crisis.
For that matter, not even Israel is apparently listening to Biden, likely because they aren’t ecstatic over the White House cozying up to Iran for cheap oil (at a great long-term cost).
Which is precisely why even Zelenskyy issued a plea to Israel to help.
“One can ask for a long time why we can’t accept weapons from you or why Israel didn’t impose sanctions against Russia, why you are not putting pressure on Russian business,” Zelenskyy declared, “it is your choice, dear brothers and sisters.”
Given the current state of the Biden administration in international affairs, conditions do not seem favorable.
Author: Ofelia Thornton