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Democrats Deeply Alienate Hispanic Voters

Note to Democrats: Next time you try to score cheap, easy oil before the 2022 midterms, try not to score that oil from a Venezuelan dictator that’s created one of the world’s worst refugee crises.

Clearly, the ever-logical Democrats forgot the fact that the Keystone XL pipeline would have provided such inexpensive fuel, but they apparently couldn’t bear the idea of an America that was not totally dependent on despots for oil.

And, in their typically out of touch fashion, Democrats have spent so much time fixating on BLM that they’ve forgotten about what real authoritarianism is like, notably the kind demonstrated by Maduro throughout Venezuela.

Needless to say, Maduro is also distressingly chummy with Xi of China as well, forming their own delightful little axis in South American while Biden blunders on as if he were truly the most powerful leader in the world.

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, however, would clearly be a better president at this point in time, especially since he would probably avoid deeply alienating Venezuelan voters by openly empowering a true dictator.

“We have a number of Venezuelan Americans, who, like many Americans and, I know, a lot of Floridians, are very angered by the Biden administration’s recent attempt to legitimize the brutal Maduro regime in Venezuela,” DeSantis remarked.

DeSantis’s remarks emerge after Biden apparently begged a Venezuelan dictator for oil, fresh after Saudi Arabia didn’t even bother to come to the phone when he called.

In fact, Biden’s new low, basically begging from Venezuela, hasn’t even sat well with most Democrats, including Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey.

“There [are] places like Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, as well as domestic production that has already been licensed, that should be able to [offset] the consequences of the loss of Russian oil,” Menendez remarked, “you don’t have to go to a dictator that, ultimately, has created enormous consequences for his people, that kills people, that imprisons them, and for which President Biden extended the decree that declared Maduro and his regime a national security threat.”

That’s right: Biden is literally begging to buy oil from the same dictator that he branded “a national security threat.”

As in many circumstances throughout the Biden-Harris clown show, this nonsense simply cannot be made up.

A clown show that even more Democrats are eager to distance themselves from.

“We can’t exchange one tyrant and dictator for another tyrant and dictator,” Representative Jason Crow remarked during an ABC interview in the past week, adding that the United States simply “can’t be supporting these tyrants and dictators that are killing women and children and destroying and bombing cities.”

“We can’t support it anywhere,” Crow added for emphasis.

No, we cannot.

Now if only Biden would get that memo, as DeSantis has long since gotten it.

“This is something that has unfortunately become part of a pattern with the Biden administration,” DeSantis remarked, “I think if you look at people throughout south Florida that have connections in different countries in the Western Hemisphere, what we see from the Biden administration is basically thumbing their nose at millions of people here in our state.”

The Biden administration will thumb its nose at whoever apparently offended it.

Too bad that the Biden administration is so easily offended that it ends up alienating just about everyone, including the very base that it depended upon for its unjust exercise of power in the first place.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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