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Pelosi Provides Pitiful Excuse For Approval Rankings

If Nancy Pelosi’s facial performances throughout President Biden’s “State of the Union” speech weren’t humorous enough, her excuses for Biden’s abysmal approval ratings are even more hilarious.

Especially since she had the apparent gall to invoke Abraham Lincoln, who, to put it mildly, is a rather different statesman than Pelosi.

According to Ms. Pelosi, the approval that Americans have for Biden is inadequate because they simply don’t “appreciate” what the president has done.

“For people to appreciate what the president has done, and that working together with the Congress, they have to know what it is,” Pelosi trilled, “with it you can accomplish almost everything, without it, practically nothing. But people have to know for public sentiment, too.”

So, in other words, in Pelosi’s typically elitist fashion, she blames Americans themselves for apparently failing to appreciate an 80-year-old president that rolled over for the Taliban.

Speaking of rolling over for the Taliban, the New York Times of all publications reported that the Biden administration has just lifted enormous sanctions off of Afghanistan, even though lifting these sections means that funding will go directly to the Taliban, otherwise known as “civil servants” in Afghanistan.

Strange time to lift sanctions on terrorists, but apparently, Americans simply don’t “appreciate” the wisdom in doing so, per Pelosi.

Not only do the Americans fail to appreciate what Biden does, per Pelosi, but they also apparently fail to appreciate the “brilliance” of a teleprompter-dependent leader who oftentimes refers to Kamala Harris as “President Harris.”

“I think it’s really important for people to understand the brilliance with which President Biden is conducting this,” Pelosi brayed, “this is a man who served decades as chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He knows the arena. He knows the personalities.”

Oh, he knows the personalities, all right. The question is, how many of those personalities refer to Biden as president … or “the big guy.”

Unbelievably, Pelosi continues to extol the virtues of Biden, which almost leads one to wonder whether or not Hunter is cutting Pelosi into his shady deals.

She did, after all, demand all Americans wear N-95 masks made in China, only to apparently forget about masks in advance of Biden’s address.

Per Pelosi, Biden is apparently a bastion of empathy that will rebuild America “better.”

“There’s no one more empathetic than Joe Biden. There’s no one who cares more. We’re so blessed that he’s president at this time because we do have to build America better and that’s what he is doing,” Pelosi proclaimed.

So, in other words, Biden blatantly ripped off MAGA, achieved nothing, yet spoke last night as if he were singlehandedly the greatest ruler the United States has ever had.

In fact, such a great ruler that Queen Pelosi decided to eschew the very masks that she has long demanded other Americans wear.

Heck, she’s even fined Republican representatives for declining to wear a mask all day long while also being triple vaccinated.

“I’m not going to be wearing a mask tonight,” Pelosi declared before throwing in her standard self-aggrandizement, “if I had little children or if I were around little grandchildren, I would, because some of them would not be vaccinated. Or if I were around a person, or was a person, with some kind of condition that would make me susceptible to it.”

In other words, Pelosi is bragging about her right to personal choice, the exact same right that led to the massive Freedom Convoy in Canada.

Of all Pelosi’s remarks, the mask remarks demonstrate perhaps the most breathtaking lack of awareness of all, especially when the (hopefully) soon-to-be-ex-House Speaker had the audacity to praise her “judgment.”

“I’ll make my own judgment that I won’t be wearing a mask tonight,” Pelosi sniffed.

Well, that’s nice.

Shame that hundreds of millions of Americans were not entrusted with making their “own judgment” regarding their own personal health …

Author: Ofelia Thornton


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