Senator Ted Cruz has long been one of the fiercest advocates for freedom, not to mention one of the brightest legal minds serving in the legislative branch.
Frankly, it would be interesting watching constitutionalist Cruz debate “constitutionalist” Obama, especially when accounting for the relative difference in their Supreme Court preferences.
Safe to say that Cruz errs on the side of the straight and narrow, which is precisely why he has promptly taken aim at the leftwing fundraising platform, GoFundMe, which (unsurprisingly) suspended donations to the Freedom Convoy taking place north of the United States border and spreading its influence down to the swamp.
Clearly, the swamp isn’t happy, especially upon learning that the Freedom Convoy raised $10M, or more than all of Canada’s political parties combined in the first quarter. Far more, actually.
Ouch for swamp rats, who, rather than dare to do something as logical as adjust their behaviors and attitudes to represent the public, have apparently decided to go on the attack again.
GoFundMe, of course, had a readymade excuse for freezing upwards of $10M in funds, claiming that some protests in Ottawa are no longer “peaceful.”
Curiously, GoFundMe didn’t seem nearly as concerned about how “peaceful” any fundraiser even tangentially related to BLM may have been, but everyone knows by now that the left are effective fascists who will openly aid and abet violence, provided the violence supports their ideology.
Meanwhile, Senator Cruz, who dares to respect law and order, made it rather clear that he will not let GoFundMe’s dodgy practices vanish into the night and disappear from public memory.
In an appearance on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Cruz detailed the reasoning underlying his FTC request, notably the “deceptive trade practices” that have apparently become commonplace with the left.
“Today I sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission asking that the FTC open an investigation into GoFundMe into whether they’ve committed deceptive trade practices,” Cruz announced.
Considering that deception is the name of the game when it comes to Democrats, it shouldn’t take terribly long for the FTC to investigate.
Then again, the FTC could go the way of the Department of “Justice” (DOJ) in terms of doing absolutely nothing.
After all, despite Senator Rand Paul sending the DOJ a criminal referral regarding Fauci’s involvement (and use of taxpayer funds) in the worst global pandemic in at least a century, the DOJ has yet to do anything at all.
On the contrary, Fauci remains as powerful as ever within the Biden administration, likely planning to start jabbering about the necessity of a fourth booster shot any day now, all to ensure he can promote a fifth one just in time for the 2022 holiday season.
Apparently, pushing endless booster shots and BLM violence upon the general population is apparently just fine with the left, but any type of demonstration in favor of freedom is apparently terrifying.
Too bad for the left that countless individuals prefer freedom over violence and donated to the Freedom Convoy GoFundMe page accordingly.
Only to have their efforts to support freedom completely stymied.
“When people gave money, they gave it under the promise it would go to the Freedom Convoy, not to whatever left-wing political ideology GoFundMe and other Silicon Valley companies’ support. They are deceiving consumers and it is wrong,” Cruz continued.
That’s right: GoFundMe not only suspended fundraising for the Freedom Convoy, but the platform astonishingly attempted to donate the $10M to the left, the same left that the truckers are protesting against in the first place!
Needless to say, even a leftist platform like GoFundMe can’t break the law that brazenly (yet), and the company hurriedly announced that it would begin issuing refunds instead.
Still, the fact that the company was so eager to shut down a fundraiser in favor of freedom spells out troubled times indeed.
“They’re defending Canada, but they’re defending America as well,” Cruz added, “that is courage on display that the government doesn’t have the right to force you to comply to their arbitrary mandates, and they’re standing up for freedom. Of course, big government hates it and is trying to crush them.”
And, of course, big tech aids and abets authoritarianism, like the obedient subordinate to Big Brother that it is.
Author: Ofelia Thornton