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Johns Hopkins Reveals Truth About Lockdowns

In the ongoing battle between Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci, it is clear that Paul just scored another major victory against the nation’s supposed medical advisor.

Even better, Paul scored a victory without having to say a word, given that much of what the Kentucky senator has asserted has just been validated by a study published by Johns Hopkins University.

And that study is quite blunt in its assessment of the effectiveness of lockdowns. Or, more accurately, lack thereof.

“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” the researchers bluntly conclude.

In other words, the Swedes were right.
From the start of the pandemic, the nation of Sweden, generally known for its enthusiastic embrace of highly Socialist principles, surprised the world by taking a largely laid-back approach to the pandemic.

Images of chilled out Swedes dining in cafes while the rest of the world was largely shuttered inspired envy amongst those who love freedom and rage amongst those who don’t.

However, as it turns out, the Swedes’ initial approach to the pandemic has been validated by none other than John Hopkins, which is a rather respected organization in the context of the “science” that Democrats proclaim to be so obsessed with.

If only they would actually follow their obsession, and then they may actually implement science-based policies like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has done, including monoclonal antibody centers.

Now those measures, unlike lockdowns, actually did reduce mortality rates significantly, which meant that the Biden administration apparently felt compelled to block DeSantis’s access to the antibody treatments.

So much for “science.”

Not only have the Biden administration’s authoritarian COVID policies not been effectual in “shutting down” the pandemic as promised, but they have also greatly exacerbated economic woes, which in turn negatively impact quality of life, which in turn (ironically) negatively impact public health.

“[Lockdowns] have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence and undermining liberal democracy,” the researchers observed, illustrating that lockdowns not only failed to stem the flow of the virus, but they also led to enormous social and economic instability, the consequences of which are acutely felt today.

Fortunately, even some leftist enclaves are clearly reaching the same conclusions reached by John Hopkins researchers.

Denver, Colorado, which is well-known for its progress predilections, clearly wishes to return to a semblance of normalcy, as the city has just surprisingly dropped all vaccine and mask mandates.

“Following extensive discussions with our regional partners as well as current health advice and the downward trajectory of cases, positivity and hospitalizations, Denver will not be extending our public health order,” Denver Mayor Michael Hancock declared.

In other words, Hancock actually listens to science, unlike blustering Fauci, who has a clearly vested interest in an endless pandemic.

Hancock, however, does not, which is precisely why he is rather proactive, matching actions to words.

“So beginning Friday, people will no longer be required under the public health order to wear masks or show proof of vaccination for entry into a business in Denver,” Hancock added.

Hallelujah for freedom.

Of course, everything could change in a nanosecond if the media begins fear mongering about another variant or “subvariant.”

One thing is for absolute certain: No matter what other variant springs up, a variant that is apparently so deadly that multiple tests are needed to know whether or not one even has it, the researchers are crystal clear about their position regarding future possible lockdowns.

“Such a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument,” the researchers assert.

One can only hope that Fauci and Co. will respect the “science” from John Hopkins …

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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