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Cotton Blasts Biden’s Stunning Sanction Capitulation

Another weekend, another international display of weakness from the perpetually blundering Biden administration.

And no one is more pleased than Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Aside from Chinese President Xi Jinping, potentially, though the media focus has clearly been on Russia over the past several days.

Along with Biden’s continued bungling of the supposed American response, which has rapidly lost credibility ever since the rather remarkable “minor incursion” gaffe.

Then again, the United States, not to mention NATO for that matter, lost a significant amount of credibility after losing to the Taliban last summer.

Which has been accompanied by nothing short of abject weakness in the face of Putin, a weakness that Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas recently excoriated.

“Joe Biden’s weakness is the appeasement of Vladimir Putin for the last year,” Cotton proclaimed.

Absolutely. One of the many ways in which Biden is “finishing the job” of the Obama administration, as stated by Obama himself in a self-congratulatory interview.

Putin clearly paid attention during Obama’s “Red Line” debacle, which is precisely why he’s confidently amassed an estimated 130,000 troops at this point in time near the Ukrainian border.

Putin also clearly paid attention to a number of Biden’s other astonishing concessions, which Cotton rattles off with ease.

“In his first week in office last year he gave Vladimir Putin’s number one foreign policy priority, an extension of a badly one-sided arms-control treaty, and then he’s given his number two foreign policy priority by waving sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that is built between Russia and Germany,” Cotton continued in disbelief, before delineating a host of other ill-advised foreign policy maneuvers within the Bien administration.

“Along the way he is also let out a Russian cybercriminal before his prison sentence was up,” Cotton asserted, “just a couple days ago he declared that a minor incursion in Ukraine might not elicit a strong Western response, and there are reports this morning even that the administration has already taken the toughest sanctions off the table, sanctions on Russia’s oil and gas industry, and removing it from the international banking system.”

So, in other words, Biden decided it would be a great idea to let Russia know that the United States will not impose the harshest sanctions of all, especially in the event of a “minor incursion.”

The Russian oil and gas industry, in other words, will continue to thrive regardless of the atrocities it commits abroad, with an apparently able and willing American president to indirectly condone it all through its absence of action.

Needless to say, even the fictional news media had a tough time spinning that one, as evidenced by the commentary of MSNBC contributor Noah Rothman.

“Wow. Biden admin takes the toughest sanctions off the table: oil and nat­ural gas ex­ports, dis­con­nect­ing Rus­sia from SWIFT, and Putin/inner circle. What are we doing? This will not deter Moscow,” Rothman opined, “If you’re in the Kremlin surveying the confusion within the admin and obvious disunity of purpose within the Atlantic Alliance, what would you be thinking?”

The Kremlin is clearly thinking that it has an excellent opportunity to gain some real respect, especially since it can likely enjoy the implicit support of China, another nation running circles around the Biden administration.

Robert L. Wilkie, who served as Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness during the Trump administration, notes that even if Biden does implement the harshest sanctions, which he is clearly unwilling to do, Russia will likely be just fine anyway, thanks to China.

“A lot of the talk about economic sanctions is really a pie in the sky because China is now Russia’s banker,” Wilkie remarked.

“Xi Jinping will back Putin if sanctions from the West come,” Wilkie continued, “that’s a safety net he probably didn’t have 10, 15 years ago, and China probably wasn’t capable of buttressing the Russian state as it is now.”

Meanwhile, the American military appears far more concerned with wokeness than world security, which is precisely why Putin and Xi are undoubtedly eyeing the optimal times for striking their respective targets.

“I’m afraid that he thinks now is the time to go for the jugular in Ukraine, which he has wanted to do for as long as he’s been in power,” Cotton remarked.

One can only hope that a potential war won’t give the Biden administration an excuse to screw around with the 2022 midterm elections …

Author: Jane Jones

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