A recently released study reveals yet another cost of the Biden Administration’s massive Build Back Better (BBB) agenda: increased childcare costs for middle class families. According to Casey Mulligan, a University of Chicago professor, Biden’s massive welfare plan could increase childcare costs for working Americans by 122 percent.
Mulligan, who previously served as Trump’s Chief Economist at the White House Council for Economic Affairs, revealed that a family with a four-year-old and an infant may pay an additional $27,000 per year in childcare costs. The results of Mulligan’s study run directly counter to Biden’s claims that childcare would become more accessible and affordable under the BBB agenda.
The Independent Women’s Forum has expressed alarm over the findings. Carrie Lukas, who serves as the organization’s president, remarked that Biden’s BBB agenda “would be a disaster for American families.”
“[This study] shows that the raft of new regulations would make it harder, not easier, for families to afford child care,” Lukas continued, adding that families will likely face tens of thousands of dollars in additional expenses each year.
The Daily Mail noted that Mulligan’s study also revealed “removing financial incentives to offer low-cost care and increasing regulations” could lead to surging daycare costs for numerous families, which could range from $20,000 to $30,000 per annum. Consequently, the BBB agenda translates to a large annual tax on middle class families.
In essence, the BBB agenda “proposes to reinvent child care with cost-increasing forces,” according to Mulligan’s commentary in the Wall Street Journal.
In addition, Biden’s plan also plans to “cap, by statute, child care expenses,” which further reduces the incentive to offer childcare prices lower than the federal cap. In addition, state programs would also become incentivized to implement new requirements for education in order to acquire state resources, according to commentary in the Daily Mail.
Furthermore, the BBB agenda is similar in nature to Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), a national healthcare plan. Mulligan comments that both BBB and ACA have the ability “to pass on much of their costs to federal taxpayers.”
Lukas blasted the federal government’s increasingly invasive involvement in public education, with a particular focus on daycare education, noting that families should feel “alarmed at the idea that the federal government would be setting the rules and effectively deciding who can teach at American childcare centers and what can be taught.”
“Faith-based providers will be squeezed out,” Lukas warned.
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