Biden Continues Assault On Energy Independence
A new week, a new assault on American energy independence.
Apparently, Biden is dissatisfied with the currently sky-high prices of gasoline, given that he just might be terminating the Line 5 Pipeline.
Needless to say, Biden’s decision to kill a pipeline just after the infrastructure bill finally passed illustrates how deranged the administration truly is. The irony is even more greatly magnified considering that 13 Republicans voted in favor of the infrastructure bill.
In other words, just as Biden passes a multi-trillion dollar spending package, which may very well lead to high taxes for Americans, he also decides to make yet another move designed to increase gas prices
Clearly, the Biden administration has an apparent fixation on impoverishing Americans, as evident from relentless attack on jobs and the economy since literally Day 1.
However, don’t expect any form of truth from the typical Biden sycophant. Which would basically be the entire Cabinet.
After all, consider the “wisdom” of Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s “Energy Secretary,” who isn’t doing a terribly impressive job at managing the nation’s energy.
Consider her rather uninspiring response to questions about killing the Line 5 pipeline and the undoubted gasoline increases that will occur in response.
“Yeah, this is going to happen. [Gas] will be more expensive this year than last year.” [Source: Fox News]
So, in other words, Granholm already knows in advance that prices “will be more expensive this year?”
Wow, what a great crystal ball she must be consulting!
… Except that one doesn’t need a crystal ball to realize that the Biden administration will do just about anything and everything to hurt Americans.
Representative Bob Latta (R-OH), for instance, remarks upon the realities of the Line 5 Pipeline, including the fact that Americans will face yet another crippling wave of inflation.
“As we enter the winter months and temperatures drop across the Midwest, the termination of Line 5 will undoubtedly further exacerbate shortages and price increases in home heating fuels like natural gas and propane at a time when Americans are already facing rapidly rising energy prices, steep home heating costs, global supply shortages, and skyrocketing gas prices.” [Source: Newsmax]
So, in other words, the Biden administration has apparently learned exactly nothing from the recent calamity in Virginia. Calamity from the Democrats’ point of view, anyway.
Either that, or they may be already engaging in rather dubious shenanigans in advance of next year’s midterms, which is all the more reason that it is critical to vote just under one year from today.
Jason Hayes, who serves as the Director of Environmental Policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, has illuminated precisely why the Biden administration’s rather unrealistic plans to abruptly convert the United States to completely renewable energy.
“They’re planning to power an industrial nation like the United States on solar panels and wind turbines …
I hope it doesn’t end like this, but where I see it going is unfortunately the same thing that happened in February in Texas: People freezing in their homes … Most of the time when it’s extremely cold or there’s a real bad polar vortex situation, typically it’s pretty cloudy and there’s not a lot of wind.” [Source: Fox News]
In other words, the Biden administration either has amnesia or simply doesn’t care about the reality that their green pipe dream has already inflicted upon multiple Americans.
As Biden definitely didn’t go out of his way to help out Texans.
Hayes also alluded to Biden’s rather intriguing energy decisions, given that appear to benefit the nation’s enemies far more than the nation itself.
“It seems like the only nations that understand that we require reliable, affordable dispatchable energy is China and Russia. And they’re the only ones that are producing energy and they’re more than happy to hold that energy hostage for the rest of the world.” [Source: Fox News]
Are they ever …
Thanks, Hunter, the gift that will never stop giving … as long as the Democrats are in charge.
Author: Jane Jones