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AG Garland Mobilizes ‘Terrorist Campaign’ Against Parents

Looks like the NSBA finally realized that it might want to issue a superficial apology to parents, lest the organization face accusations of egregious civil liberties violations.

Just consider the groveling response below, which essentially admits to the national organization’s total and complete incompetence.

“On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter … There was no justification for some of the language included in the letter. We should have had a better process in place to allow for consultation on a communication of this significance …

As we’ve reiterated since the letter was sent, we deeply value not only the work of local school boards that make important contributions within our communities, but also the voices of parents, who should and must continue to be heard when it comes to decisions about their children’s education, health, and safety.” [Source: Twitter]

So, in other words, a national organization does not have sufficient “consultation” for communication? That’s frightening, and all the more indicative of the utter arrogance that guides its behavior, including labeling parents “domestic terrorists.”

Furthermore, as far as parents deserving “to be heard” is concerned?

Tell that to Dr. Jeffrey Horak, who literally just lost his job as a surgeon due to daring to express his views on children’s mask mandates in schools.

“You mandate this across the road — that’s a tough place to go … Who does God put in charge of these kids? Their parents. God gave each one of these kids… to their parents and they speak for them. They may be wrong, they may be dumb, they may be perfect in their decisions …

But it’s still their responsibility. It’s not yours. God gave it to them. Honor their wishes, either side of the fence.” [Source: Fox News]

It is difficult to say whether Horak faced imminent termination over his religious or political beliefs, though more often than not in a Democrat-“led” nation, likely both.

Even worse, while the NSBA may be groveling away, AG Merrick Garland has continued to double down on the Department of Justice’s open attack on parents.

“This memorandum is not about parents being able to object in their school boards … They are protected by the First Amendment, as long as there are no threats of violence, they are completely protected.” [Source: Breitbart]

Oh, sure.

“Completely protected,” yet at least one parent has arbitrarily lost a distinguished surgeon career.

Moreover, Garland also admits zero error of any kind, instead choosing to double down on a true witch hunt objective based on faulty, at best, evidence.

Which is precisely why he was excoriated by Senator Tom Cotton.

“This testimony, your directive, your performance is shameful … Thank God, you’re not on the Supreme Court. You should resign in disgrace, judge.” [Source: Breitbart]

Who could forget that Garland was Obama’s top pick for the Supreme Court?

Given that Garland has no issue attacking conservative parents as “domestic terrorists,” one can only imagine the horrors of Court decisions that would have unfolded if Garland had become an actual Supreme Court Justice.

Especially since Garland oftentimes declines to even examine evidence, as Senator Josh Hawley points out.

“Merrick Garland mobilized the FBI to intimidate parents without legal basis and, we now know, premised on misinformation he didn’t bother to verify … It was a dangerous abuse of authority that has badly compromised the Justice Dept’s integrity and Garland’s. He should resign.” [Source: Breitbart]

Worst of all, Garland did exactly what he claimed he wouldn’t do, which Senator Ted Cruz promptly reminded him of during a major league grilling.

“For eight years under Barack Obama, the Department of Justice was politicized and weaponized …

There is a difference between law and politics. And General Garland, you know the difference between law and politics. Law is based on facts; it is impartial; it is not used as a tool of political retribution.” [Source: The Daily Wire]

Cruz continues to eviscerate Garland throughout his testimony, revealing the extent to which Garland did not investigate claims by the NSBA before mobilizing the DoJ to intimidate and threaten “domestic terrorists,” otherwise known as concerned parents to sane Americans.

One thing is clear: Obama keeps popping up left and right, either directly or indirectly … Almost as if he were a political operative himself.

Just wait for him to start indirectly pushing for Kamala to have more power … as one of his key lackeys, Al Sharpton, is already doing.

One can only imagine how much worse the nation may become under her tenure …

And one can only hope that the Democrats are epically crushed in the 2022 midterms.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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