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Trump Surprises Election Fraudsters With An Unannounced ‘Visit’

For a man out of office, who isn’t officially running, Donald Trump is sure busy these days.

He just capped off two rallies in Ohio and Florida, not to mention a keynote appearance at CPAC Dalla. That’s on top of his increased statements released online—and rumors of his return to social media (in one form or another).
Ordinarily, former presidents aren’t this active so soon after leaving office. But we all know Trump is no ordinary president. And while he hasn’t officially announced a return, he is very active in ensuring the GOP retakes D.C. in the coming years.

As Democrats scramble to cement their socialist dictatorship from Washington, states across the country are eliminating the “irregularities” that put them into power. Arizona has been conducting a major audit of the 2020 election—one that Democrats have opposed every step of the way.

And as this crucial audit reaches its end, Donald Trump will be on hand to push election integrity.

Trump is scheduled to speak July 24 at the “2021 Protect our Elections” rally hosted by Turning Point Action, a political nonprofit closely allied with Trump…

“Arizona is at the epicenter of the 2022 midterms and, of course, the next presidential election in 2024,” said Charlie Kirk, president of Turning Point Action. “It’s critical that our support is stronger than ever so the average American’s trust in our systems and institutions is restored. We must start earlier and work harder than ever before to save Arizona and the republic. We are honored that President Trump is committed to that fight, and we know Arizonans are thrilled that he’s decided to pay their home state a special visit.”…

Trump has said the audit would uncover enough errors to potentially erase the nearly 11,000 vote deficit he had in the election. The loss handed now-president Joe Biden Arizona’s 11 Electoral College votes, marking the first time since 1996 a Democrat won the state. [Source: Just the News]

Not every state where Joe Biden narrowly “won” is conducting as thorough of an audit as Arizona. But it will be enough for at least one state to expose possible fraud and mistakes to show how shotty the election tallies were in 2020. It will by no means suddenly reverse the results, but it will show the country just how wrong they were to accept Biden as president.

At the same time, many red and swing states are battling to protect their elections. After the disaster that was the 2020 election, states like Georgia, Florida, Texas, Arizona and more have passed new laws to eliminate the “irregularities” that led to so much confusion, controversy, and conflict.

Democrats have been fighting election reform on every level. They claim passing simple rules that prevent fraud will somehow stop Americans from voting. Their arguments are weak, when they are not insulting to rural Americans and minorities.

Donald Trump’s appearance at this event will no doubt cast even more light on the problems with our election systems. More Americans will join his side, demanding integrity and transparency in every state. The left can huff and puff all they want, but they don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to protecting our votes.

Author: Steve Anderson

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