Looks like the Biden administration just delivered the biggest surprise yet of 2021 … particularly since this surprise aligns directly with what Donald J. Trump has been saying all along.
And that surprise pertains to refunding the police.
It is virtually impossible that any American (not to mention a number of international audiences) is unaware of the fact that the Democrats have openly pushed “Defund Police” movements for well over a year, much to the detriment of numerous communities, many of which are ironically filled with minorities who support the police.
In addition, on the “campaign trail,” Biden did little to reassure Americans about his support for law enforcement, opting to side with criminals before the police.
Unsurprisingly, police officers began retiring and resigning in droves, particularly in states that have the most virulently anti-police attitudes.
For the individuals brave enough to be a police officer these days, many have opted for states a bit more police-friendly, including Florida. Governor Ron DeSantis has noted that law enforcement would be “resolutely” supported, in sharp contrast to the ultra-leftist states of California and New York.
“I do think you will see; I think you’ve already seen. But there are people in these police departments in various other parts of the country who, if they can get a job in Florida, they want to come to Florida to be able to do it … Because the culture is better, and they understand they’re going to be supported much more resolutely than what they do.” [Source: Breitbart]
Amazingly, it looks like Biden can now “see” that “Defund Police” is not exactly the best approach for a nation that is now unsurprisingly plunged into crime and chaos.
Moreover, Biden also (for once) didn’t target lawful citizens owning guns; he at last targeting rogue criminal operations that would traffic firearms regardless of the laws in favor or against them.
“There is no one-size-fits-all approach … We know there are some things that work, and the first of those that work is stemming the flow of firearms used to commit violent crimes ..
[That] cracking down on holding rogue gun dealers accountable for violating the federal law. That includes the Justice Department creating five new strike forces to crack down on illegal gun trafficking in the corridor, supplying weapons to cities of New York, to the Bay Area.” [Source: Fox News]
While you’re at it, try to avoid “cracking down” on lawful citizens, some of whom have saved others’ lives since they have held firearms and used them when they should. More than one story has surfaced of a hero citizen intervening with a firearm and saving the day, after all.
What’s the most surprising of all is the fact that Biden has now openly advocating refunding the police, which he states directly.
“Our strategy provides, including funding for law enforcement through the American Rescue Plan for states, cities, and to be able to hire police and pay them overtime in order to advance community policing …
What we want to do, is when we know we utilize trusted community members, and encourage more community policing, we can intervene before the violence erupts … the consensus in our experience and community violence prevention programs have shown to reduce crime in some cities by 60%.” [Source: Fox News]
While it would have been nice to never “defund the police” in the first place, it is good news for law-abiding Americans that this nonsense may now stop (hopefully), provided AOC and others don’t start spouting off against Biden.
Perhaps one of the most surprising statements of all occurred when Biden claimed that he wanted to work with Republicans on the issue, at least per various “senior officials” in the White House.
“This is one of the most bipartisan issues there is, and gun violence doesn’t discriminate regarding whether you are Democratic or Republican … It is important for us that we demonstrate that we are eager to engage with Republican leadership on this important issue.” [Source: Fox News]
It remains to be seen how “eager to engage with Republican leadership” the Biden administration is, though only time will tell.
In the meantime, it’s nice that the Biden admin has finally decided to recognize the value of police, rather than vilifying them … even if this stance is only with the 2022 midterm elections in mind.
Author: Jane Jones